I continue to be awed: Epic's #Cosmos database finds 165k children aged 2-8 years and 238k kids aged 9-11 years who should've been evaluated for #hyperlipidemia based on documented risk. Only 6% and 19% respectively were screened. #MustDoBetter https://epicresearch.org/articles/few-pediatric-patients-screened-for-high-lipid-levels-despite-expert-recommendations
#cosmos #hyperlipidemia #mustdobetter
#Hyperlipidemia occurs when there are too many lipids in the blood. Read the blog to know more about the condition and related #ICD-10 codes. https://www.outsourcestrategies.com/blog/what-are-the-icd-10-codes-for-hyperlipidemia/
#Hyperlipidemia occurs when there are too many lipids in the blood. Read the blog to know more about the condition and related #ICD-10 codes. https://bit.ly/3Af95h1