TheOnion: Edgelords Explain Why They Love Elon Musk #elonmuskhavesaid #rossderricotte #markzuckerberg #stevenknowles #humaninterest #frankrichards #internetmemes #fletcherurias #gregflorence #tomzandowsky #kentrichards #chadmondell #danlorenzen #petebateman #todddennis #daveysingh #deanpowers #twitterinc #kyledenver #hyperloop #tobybryan #memestock #elonmusk #teslainc #dogecoin #twitter #denver #spacex #musk #elon
#elonmuskhavesaid #rossderricotte #markzuckerberg #stevenknowles #humaninterest #frankrichards #internetmemes #fletcherurias #gregflorence #tomzandowsky #kentrichards #chadmondell #danlorenzen #petebateman #todddennis #daveysingh #deanpowers #twitterinc #kyledenver #hyperloop #tobybryan #memestock #elonmusk #teslainc #dogecoin #twitter #denver #spacex #musk #elon
Züge sollen auf bestehenden Schienen schweben
Nevomo hat erstmals erfolgreich seine Technik demonstriert, bei der bestehende Infrastruktur für magnetisch schwebende Züge benutzt wird.
#Eisenbahn #Hyperloop #Magnetschwebebahn #Magrail #Nevomo #Schienenverkehr #Verkehr
#verpasstodon #eisenbahn #hyperloop #magnetschwebebahn #magrail #nevomo #schienenverkehr #verkehr
Jezebel: Sex. Celebrity. Politics. With Teeth: Grimes Demands Elon Musk Let Her See Their Son in Now-Deleted Tweet #Jezebel #whitesouthafricanpeople #exadarksiderael #walterisaacson #humaninterest #justinemusk #shivonzilis #muskfamily #hyperloop #elonmusk #jezebel #twitter #grimes #musk
#jezebel #whitesouthafricanpeople #exadarksiderael #walterisaacson #humaninterest #justinemusk #shivonzilis #muskfamily #hyperloop #elonmusk #Twitter #grimes #musk
Gizmodo: Biography Claims Elon Musk Killed Starlink Access to Prevent Ukrainian Attack on Russian Forces #starlinksatelliteservicesinukraine #timepersonoftheyear #spacexsatellites #mykhailofedorov #viewsofelonmusk #walterisaacson #vladimirputin #reidhoffman #colinkahl #hyperloop #elonmusk #starlink #schuster #netflix #paypal #simon #musk
#starlinksatelliteservicesinukraine #timepersonoftheyear #spacexsatellites #mykhailofedorov #viewsofelonmusk #walterisaacson #vladimirputin #reidhoffman #colinkahl #hyperloop #elonmusk #starlink #schuster #netflix #paypal #simon #musk
Züge sollen auf bestehenden Schienen schweben
Nevomo hat erstmals erfolgreich seine Technik demonstriert, bei der bestehende Infrastruktur für magnetisch schwebende Züge benutzt wird.
Gizmodo: Lawsuit Blasts Amazon’s Choice of Bezos’ Blue Origin for Project Kuiper #satelliteinternetaccess #teamsterspensionfund #unitedlaunchalliance #timepersonoftheyear #vulcancentaur #kuipersystems #spacetourism #arianespace #blueorigin #hyperloop #jeffbezos #newglenn #starlink #falcon9 #amazon #spacex #glenn
#satelliteinternetaccess #teamsterspensionfund #unitedlaunchalliance #timepersonoftheyear #vulcancentaur #kuipersystems #spacetourism #arianespace #blueorigin #hyperloop #jeffbezos #newglenn #starlink #falcon9 #amazon #spacex #glenn
Hyperloop: il futuro del trasporto ad alta velocitÃ
Man mano che le nostre città diventano sempre più affollate e i nostri spostamenti quotidiani ...
#hyperloop #innovazionesostenibilità #sostenibilitÃ
#hyperloop #innovazionesostenibilita #sostenibilita
Gizmodo: Elon Musk Responds to DOJ Lawsuit Against SpaceX's Alleged Hiring Discrimination #alextabarrok #socialissues #hyperloop #elonmusk #teslainc #lawcrime #twitter #spacex #labor
#alextabarrok #socialissues #hyperloop #elonmusk #teslainc #lawcrime #twitter #spacex #labor
@Syulang @mekkaokereke @carnage4life
But like the #Hyperloop #scam being pushed to defund and cockblock #CaliforniaHighSpeedRail / #CHSR his plans aim to undercut overdue and long-term unavoidable #FTTB & #FTTH installations as only longterm feasible solution because we already do come close to the theoretical limitso of physics in terms of what can be done in the #RF #spectrum given earth's atmospheric composition and the narrow "Radio Window" into space...
#spectrum #rf #ftth #fttb #chsr #californiahighspeedrail #Scam #hyperloop
Hyperloop: il futuro del trasporto ad alta velocitÃ
Man mano che le nostre città diventano sempre più affollate e i nostri spostamenti quotidiani ...
#hyperloop #innovazionesostenibilità #sostenibilitÃ
#hyperloop #innovazionesostenibilita #sostenibilita
Tu sais, quand on traite les gens de "bourges" parce qu'iels roulent en vélo, et qu'on considère Elon Musk comme "l'autre maboulle", autant savoir de qui on parle.
"Pour le développement de l'Hyperloop, Elon Musk encourage l'aspect open source et collaboratif, et il n'a volontairement déposé aucun brevet" Wikipédia.
Ça ne veut pas dire qu'il ne fait pas chier hein ! Mais "maboulle" surement pas !
#ElonMusk #Hyperloop #OpenSource
#elonmusk #hyperloop #opensource
Jezebel: Sex. Celebrity. Politics. With Teeth: Elon Musk’s Reported $10 Million Donation to Fertility Research Is Deeply Unsettling #Jezebel #totalfertilityrate #populationdecline #civilization #fertility #hyperloop #elonmusk #teslainc #grimes #musk
#jezebel #totalfertilityrate #populationdecline #civilization #fertility #hyperloop #elonmusk #teslainc #grimes #musk
If #ElmoMush ‘s #robotaxis are limited to driving passengers in the #Hyperloop there won’t be any pedestrians run down or collisions with firetrucks 🚒 and ambulances 🚑. ✅
#elmomush #robotaxis #hyperloop
Hyperloop: il futuro del trasporto ad alta velocitÃ
Man mano che le nostre città diventano sempre più affollate e i nostri spostamenti quotidiani ...
#hyperloop #innovazionesostenibilità #sostenibilitÃ
#hyperloop #innovazionesostenibilita #sostenibilita
Gizmodo: Elon Musk Wants to Brawl with Mark Zuckerberg in Ancient Rome #elonmuskvsmarkzuckerberg #timepersonoftheyear #markzuckerberg #twitterinc #hyperloop #elonmusk #teslainc #twitter #threads #musk #zuck
#elonmuskvsmarkzuckerberg #timepersonoftheyear #markzuckerberg #twitterinc #hyperloop #elonmusk #teslainc #twitter #threads #musk #zuck
Jezebel: Sex. Celebrity. Politics. With Teeth: Grimes on Her Second Date With Elon Musk: 'This Guy Is F*cking Crazy' #Jezebel #walterisaacson #giselebundchen #biancacensori #simonschuster #kimkardashian #madeinamerica #rachelleviss #hyperloop #elonmusk #tombrady #teslainc #usweekly #grimes #fenty #jayz #rza
#jezebel #walterisaacson #giselebundchen #biancacensori #simonschuster #KimKardashian #madeinamerica #rachelleviss #hyperloop #elonmusk #tombrady #teslainc #usweekly #grimes #fenty #JayZ #rza
Jezebel: Sex. Celebrity. Politics. With Teeth: Elon Musk Details Suspicious Injury After Zuckerberg Suggests He’s Too Much of a Coward to Fight #Jezebel #elonmuskvsmarkzuckerberg #timepersonoftheyear #viewsofelonmusk #markzuckerberg #guyelonmusk #danawhite #hyperloop #elonmusk #teslainc #twitter #tesla #musk
#jezebel #elonmuskvsmarkzuckerberg #timepersonoftheyear #viewsofelonmusk #markzuckerberg #guyelonmusk #danawhite #hyperloop #elonmusk #teslainc #Twitter #tesla #musk
Gizmodo: Elon Really Wants to Turn Twitter Into Wall Street #universalwindowsplatformapps #foreignexchangecompanies #twitterverification #technologyinternet #robinhoodmarkets #businessfinance #goldmansachs #hyperloop #elonmusk #twitter #paypal #wechat #apple #etoro #xcom
#universalwindowsplatformapps #foreignexchangecompanies #twitterverification #technologyinternet #robinhoodmarkets #businessfinance #goldmansachs #hyperloop #elonmusk #twitter #paypal #wechat #apple #etoro #xcom