Inoru · @inoru_no_hoshi
49 followers · 591 posts · Server

How long will my throat feel like crap post ?

Aka at what point do I whine at spouse to take me to urgent care to see if I picked up a secondary infection (I don't THINK so but I've been wrong before) or if they oopsed my hyoid or something (hashtag worries)? The alternative is I just heal slowly from that shit and wahhh.

(Tomorrow will be 1 week , if that helps at all.)

#intubation #hypermobile #postop #hysterectomypostop #hysterectomyrecovery

Last updated 1 year ago

· @deantoir_ceardaiochta
161 followers · 981 posts · Server

Just wondering if any of the peeps on here have had any joy using shapewear, post patrum 3 part clinchers (theyre like elastic and velcro corsets or old school girdles) or sports compression leggings/shorts to help stabilise their hips or help with and ? Since my surgery the pain has lessened (woot) but I still have my hip/joint issues to contend with along with weakened core.

#hypermobile #hypermobility #eds #scoliosis #arthritis #chronicpain #hippain #lowerbackpain

Last updated 1 year ago

stn · @stn
49 followers · 254 posts · Server

Me: *exists*
Shoulder: *subluxes*

#hypermobile #eds #cursedbody

Last updated 1 year ago

Crafty Jo · @CraftyJo
83 followers · 497 posts · Server

Started a 30 day with Adiene challenge and… I think I’m a yoga person now

Could do with some tips from the crowd so I don’t damage myself though

#yoga #hypermobile

Last updated 1 year ago

Knee Neart · @BrilleBhrealla
203 followers · 2240 posts · Server

I hate it.

Having a very emotional response.

Really makes a difference when you don't feel like the Dr has heard or understood you 😪

Keen to talk to anyone who's used one before, this doesn't feel like it has any capacity to be useful, I don't understand it at all, and I'm finding that really stressful and depressing (I'm in tunnel vision panic mode, tbh)

#eds #hypermobile #hypermobility

Last updated 1 year ago

Inoru · @inoru_no_hoshi
43 followers · 405 posts · Server

The fun part of being popcorn (aka ) is just idly shifting and something goes Notably Pop.

In the past hour, this has been:

-my sternum at one, possibly two, rib spots. And yes that feels weird as fuck but the reflexive "ow" is more surprise than pain.

-my right elbow, which did actually hurt a bit but it feels better for having done so, so I think one of the bones had slid Just A Smidge out of joint.


Last updated 1 year ago

Free reaction meme for my follow hypermobile people. I originally wanted it to be like an anatomical drawing of the rib cage but I couldn't find any public domain versions. And I can't draw good enough for that, so it's the Vetruvian man instead lol.

all I did was shift slightly to the side :(

#hypermobility #hypermobile #eds #heds #dislocation

Last updated 1 year ago

lucas · @lucas
23 followers · 51 posts · Server

I subluxed my left knee either overnight or early this morning (I can tell because it's a very specific kind of pain that I unfortunately have had many times). Usually pain subsides within a couple of hours but it is persisting. Is there anything I can or should do besides rest/ice/compression?

#hypermobility #hypermobile #heds #eds

Last updated 1 year ago

emmyjemmyjammy · @emmjemmyjammy
122 followers · 1907 posts · Server

Fellow artists, how do y’all stabilize your shoulders? Struggling to hold my arm up to draw but my biceps are fine, i know it’s my unstable shoulders, does anyone have braces they recommend?

#hypermobile #heds

Last updated 1 year ago

stray autistic cat · @obrerx
543 followers · 1125 posts · Server

I studied modern dance and when I was in my teens and 20s. I was drawn to it as an abstract art form. I was quite good... alas, I moved on from it lacking support. I was ... no one knew I needed encouragement, no one knew that even though I was told a thousand fucking times by accomplished dancers and teachers that I was really, really good, I didn't believe it, but said nothing. I walked away from it.

I internalized everything. Held it all silently inside. But I was focused like a laser, unrelenting, practicing, practicing, practicing, beyond everyone else in our Hollywood studio in the Los Angeles area.

I would wake up at night doing plié exercises and leg extensions. I literally did ballet in my sleep.

For me it was a world of autistic "stim" every day, all week long, all month long. Heaven. It was ritual, routine, special interest, and hyper-focus all wrapped into one activity.

I tragically and so regretfully have no photos. When my teacher offered his students photos from one of our performances, which showed me flying through the air, my feet perfectly pointed, legs extended, all in perfect form, I rather cryptically, stoically and autistically declined. Who needs photos? There will be more photos on another day.

Part 1 of 2.


#ballet #Autistic #hypermobile #adhd #autism #intenseworldtheory

Last updated 2 years ago

Erina (she/her) 💕🎉🌱🌈 · @Erina
189 followers · 1317 posts · Server

Vandaag een hele drukke dag gehad, de 7yo en ik hebben thuis heel veel spullen opgeruimd, gesorteerd en weggedaan 💪
Blij dat het gedaan is ook al was het íets teveel van het goeie.

En morgen kunnen we EINDELIJK (na 5 dagen quarantaine, klachtenvrij én dagelijks zelftesten) onze familie weer eens knuffelen! 🎉💜

#chronischepijn #fybromyalgie #hypermobile #RisicoGroep #LongCovid #CoronaIsNotOver

Last updated 2 years ago

Inoru · @inoru_no_hoshi
33 followers · 220 posts · Server

Today I have been a cliché (left the water running because I didn't hear it 😂), an cliché (attempted sudden change of plans aaa [it was resolved!]), and a cliché (pretty sure my left hip is trying to decide if it wants to go more out than "vaguely pinchy out" lol).

But I also clearly communicated feelings in the moment without being an asshole I think? So I was proud of myself for that. 🥰

#deaf #autistic #hypermobile

Last updated 2 years ago

Kathleen Burnard :BP_cuff: · @kburnard
298 followers · 472 posts · Server

4/9 complicates things. I have the type, but my bruising and bleeding severity is more along the lines of the type. We opted for a procedure that doesn’t involve general anesthesia, because the risks and complications involved in that are huge. Some patients and OBGYNs jump straight to radical hysterectomy in cases like mine, but in addition to the anesthesia, there’d be extra surgical reconstruction to worry about given the risk of prolapse.

#ehlersdanlossyndrome #hypermobile #vascular

Last updated 2 years ago

Jan Droid · @jandroid
55 followers · 252 posts · Server

First time getting seen at a teaching clinic for dental assistants, and just learned I have curly roots!

Not one dentist ever mentioned this all these years... thanks PCC students!

#dentist #dentistry #eds #hypermobile

Last updated 2 years ago

Morning all! I'm very low on today so when a client asked me if I could fit them in for a class today I said no and that I was busy. Rest time is just as important as work and I've learned to schedule it into my day just like any other essential task!

#spoons #hypermobile #spoonie

Last updated 2 years ago

Inoru · @inoru_no_hoshi
26 followers · 136 posts · Server

Today's annoyance is my left pointer finger is at the palm knuckle and I can't figure out how to reduce it. My fave.

I'm trying to not put too much pressure etc on it at least so there's that.

#subluxed #hypermobility #hypermobile

Last updated 2 years ago

Marina · @mnwkpnw
11 followers · 5 posts · Server

After years of wondering and questioning, I'm now on the path to an official diagnosis! I'm hoping to connect with other people here. If you're out there, let's talk!

#heds #hypermobile #bendy #zebracondition #hypermobility #eds

Last updated 2 years ago

Inoru · @inoru_no_hoshi
25 followers · 91 posts · Server

Honestly my spine feels better than it has in a bit?? And my improved lol (read: has returned to usual ridiculousness). I thought my muscles were just overly tight but lmao apparently not.

The worst is actually that now my lumbar muscles are mad from the sharp tug they got. 😂 so now I'm in bed with my heating pad on my back.

#rangeofmotion #hypermobile

Last updated 2 years ago

Nance · @Nance
57 followers · 176 posts · Server

20 pages of medical symptom documentation. I’ve zero idea what they need so I’m giving them open access to five of my specialists. Over 40 years of this, you’d think they’d know when a 20 year old could touch the floor with my elbows, that something was wrong. I’m very annoyed about the medical gaslighting I’ve received. Always depression or being a woman. There was something wrong and I was right. BE YOUR BEST ADVOCATE and fight for yourself.


Last updated 2 years ago

Shannon Becker, PhD · @DrScience
97 followers · 105 posts · Server