"Edited from a 72-minute conversation between Adam Curtis and Russell Brand to exclude pauses, umm-ing, etc... and (with apologies) Russell Brand."
#politics #hypernormalisation #adamcurtis
Oh wow, 250 securities busted at opening, lots of big brands 🤫
its not like their only job is to run the stock exchange correctly...and they can't 🤭
Luckily everybody is talking about #Leopards today. #Hypernormalisation
With all their incredible security and backups thats unlikely to happen accidentally. Sorry I don't believe you.
Someone is cooking their books. Maybe an overleveraged hedgefund/marketmaker?
Buckle up. #GFC2023 🧨
#leopards #hypernormalisation #gfc2023
For those of you wondering why #ElonMusk would gleefully piss away billions just to destroy his investment I highly recommend any (and all) of #AdamCurtis’s recent documentaries: #HyperNormalisation (2016), #CantGetYouOutOfMyHead (2021), and Russia 1985-1999: #TraumaZone (2022). You can find all of them on YouTube or (probably) through the BBC.
Here’s a compilation of clips I made from the middle one because I wanted to remember it (and am also a huge nerd.)
#ElonMusk #adamcurtis #hypernormalisation #cantgetyououtofmyhead #traumazone
@DerKlimablog Finde ich gut.
Spoiler: Wird keine*r bis kaum eine*r in der Politik lesen.
In der #Klimakatastrophe ändern weder Politiker*innen noch Klimaforschende groß etwas am Gesamttrend und auch die Wirtschaft & Gesellschaft lügt sich noch ein paar Jahre etwas vor (#Hypernormalisation #Normalitätssimulation), bis dann wirklich spürbar auch hierzulande alles zusammenbricht.
Aber leugnen gehört wohl leider zur menschl. Existenz.
#normalitatssimulation #hypernormalisation #klimakatastrophe
We had to unboost due to #theBlackVault link (CloudFlare alarm went off), but yes this are the types of sociopaths humans need to deal with, and they are indeed all over the place.
That #RobertMaxwell (ie. #GhislaneMaxwell's father) issue with #PROMIS/#PRISM, is just the tip of the iceberg.
A good #documentary on this if you can stomach the MiddleEast narrative is #AdamCurtis' 2016 film, #HyperNormalisation, showing how #banks are there own #dragnet. Also informative…1/2
#theBlackVault #RobertMaxwell #ghislanemaxwell #promis #documentary #adamcurtis #hypernormalisation #banks #dragnet
@Johncdvorak Happy Birthday! Here is my favorite doc of the last 5 years. Now maybe someone will watch it...🤣
#jcd #birthday #hypernormalisation #another70sreference
Vous vous souvenez peut-être du documentaire #Hypernormalisation, rapidement culte il y a quatre ans et réalisé comme chacun des films du réalisateur uniquement par des footages très divers et une voix off. On peut discuter les thèses avancées, mais c'est au moins intéressant dans les rapports entre images, réel, mythe et fiction.
Un nouveau documentaire de #AdamCurtis est sorti il y a une dizaine de jours (et c’est au moins aussi bien qu’une série de la BBC). "'Can't Get You Out of My Head: An Emotional History of the Modern World' is a six-part BBC documentary television series [...] It attempts to explain how " #modernsociety has arrived at where it is today by tracing various topics such as, 'the strange roots of modern #conspiracytheories, the history of #China, #opium and #opioids, [and] the history of #ArtificialIntelligence'."
Je n'ai pas encore tout vu mais c'est déjà super.
Part 1 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bud9zF8e1zU - Bloodshed on Wolf Mountain
Part 2 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2GeDN9Jw4E0 - Shooting and F**king are the Same Thing
Part 3 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UmTzGcDboME - Money Changes Everything
Part 4 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5vrqGlGnBUg - But What if the People are Stupid
Part 5 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7AI2lRVifwg - The Lordly Ones
Part 6 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X_XdqHP5EUg - Are we Pidgeon or are we Dancer
#artificialintelligence #opioids #opium #china #conspiracytheories #modernsociety #adamcurtis #hypernormalisation
AxisOfEasy Salon #8: We’re going “all-in” on bat guano futures
#Batguanofutures #CapitolHillAutonomousZone #DmitriOrlov #hypernormalisation #MaxKeiser #PlanetoftheSlums #TheGreatOpt-Out
#thegreatopt #planetoftheslums #maxkeiser #hypernormalisation #dmitriorlov #capitolhillautonomouszone #batguanofutures
RT @axisofeasy
Quick: What's the difference between #FakeNews and #hypernormalisation ?
Quick: What's the difference between #FakeNews and #hypernormalisation ?