New Workingpaper: "The Role of #Hyperparameters in #MachineLearning Models and How to Tune Them". We suggest: Handle HPs with the same loving care as parameter estimates---you could end up choosing the wrong model.
#hyperparameters #machinelearning
'Beyond the Golden Ratio for Variational Inequality Algorithms', by Ahmet Alacaoglu, Axel Böhm, Yura Malitsky.
#ascent #constrained #hyperparameters
#ascent #constrained #hyperparameters
Computationally-efficient initialisation of GPs: The generalised variogram method
Felipe Tobar, Elsa Cazelles, Taco de Wolff
Action editor: Cédric Archambeau.
#gps #geostatistics #hyperparameters
'Prior Specification for Bayesian Matrix Factorization via Prior Predictive Matching', by Eliezer de Souza da Silva, Tomasz Kuśmierczyk, Marcelo Hartmann, Arto Klami.
#factorization #hyperparameters #priors
#factorization #hyperparameters #priors
Computationally-efficient initialisation of GPs: The generalised variogram method
#gps #geostatistics #hyperparameters
No More Pesky Hyperparameters: Offline Hyperparameter Tuning for RL
Han Wang, Archit Sakhadeo, Adam M White et al.
#hyperparameters #hyperparameter #learns
What are you using to tune your #hyperparameters? As #AutoML researchers, it is very important for us to understand the needs and expectations of ML researchers, engineers and data scientists. Help us and yourself by being part of the following survey
Is there a #julialang equivalent of ?
I found using .gin files a really simple but useful way to store #hyperparameters during #deeplearning
If you do #machinelearning with #python and haven't heard of it, check it out!
#julialang #hyperparameters #deeplearning #machinelearning #python
The first one is the dual #benchmark - comparing all models both default and tuned #hyperparameters.
Sure, it doesn't make much difference for production deployment of the model, but good defaults are very convenient during #EDA and early experiments
#benchmark #hyperparameters #eda