#MediaSoundAdvisory #StarTrekLowerDecks #StarTrek #LowerDecks
Star Trek Lower Decks: Season 4 Episode 2: "I Have no Bones Yet I Must Flee"
People who are #hypersensitive to sounds and people with #tinnitus beware.
There are a few instances of loud ringing sounds in this episode. My Loops Experience Plus earplugs did not really make the sound any better. I should make note that I was not wearing the mute accessory.
#mediasoundadvisory #StarTrekLowerDecks #StarTrek #lowerdecks #hypersensitive #tinnitus #hypersensitivity #hearingloss #actuallyautistic
Emotional Regulation and ADHD - Widescreen by Answers In Reasonhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MhMUc8qoyD0#emotionalregulation
#ADHD #adultADHD #adultADHDjourney #ADHDdad #ADHDsupport #ukadultADHD #ADHDmind #ADHDmindfulness #vlog #ADHDvlog #ADHDfacts #ADHDdiscovery
emotional #emotionalregulation #emotionalselfregulation #emotions #emotional #emotionallysensitive #hypersensitive #oversensitive #ADHDemotionalregulation #ADHDemotions #ADHDemotionaldysregulation #ADHD #ADHDtiktok #ADHDtiktoker #
#adhd #adultadhd #adultadhdjourney #adhddad #adhdsupport #ukadultadhd #adhdmind #adhdmindfulness #vlog #adhdvlog #adhdfacts #adhddiscovery #emotionalregulation #emotionalselfregulation #emotions #emotional #emotionallysensitive #hypersensitive #oversensitive #adhdemotionalregulation #adhdemotions #adhdemotionaldysregulation #adhdtiktok #adhdtiktoker
Abgase vs. Parfüm: Weiß grad nicht was schlimmer ist!
Warum ich grad sehr ungern Öffis fahre? Weil bei dieser Hitze die Parfüms noch penetranter sind.
Quantität & Qualität, machen einen Unterschied - ein gutes geruchloses Deo ist allemal angenehmer fürs Umfeld… vor allem für hypersensible Menschen wie mich!
Und, beim Radfahren sind es die Würgereflexe auslösenden Abgase - Mobilität in der Stadt ist grad herausfordernd!
#öffis #klimaticket #hypersensibel #hypersensitive #mobilität #Geruch #Wien #gestank #parfüm #Abgase
#offis #klimaticket #hypersensibel #hypersensitive #mobilitat #Geruch #Wien #Gestank #parfum #Abgase
The Ring of Fire
New Study Reveals Social Media's Impact On Brain Development In Kids
#TROF #TheRingOfFire #brain #brainScan #dopamine #development #drugAddict #feedback #hyperSensitive #lawsuit #MRI #PETscan #socialMedia
#trof #theringoffire #brain #brainscan #dopamine #development #drugaddict #feedback #hypersensitive #lawsuit #mri #petscan #socialmedia