#Books I’m currently reading:
“Tehanu” by Ursula K LeGuin (#Audiobook )
Osamu Dazai’s “No Longer Human” by Junji Ito
Hyperspace by Michio Kaku (somewhat on hold)
A Collective Bargain by Jane McAlevey (have finished and am rereading to use in my daily life!)
#reading #fiction #nonfiction #sciencefiction #fantasy #horror #science #hyperspace #unions #collectivism #socialism
#books #audiobook #reading #fiction #nonfiction #sciencefiction #fantasy #horror #science #hyperspace #unions #collectivism #socialism
The #Hyperspace is for #p0rn 😇☝ ❤
#mussmanwissen #UFOAliens
#hyperspace #p0rn #mussmanwissen #ufoaliens
(@guerragames · Dec 21, 2017)
#StarWars #hyperspace
It's been done a million times before but hey... 'tis the season!
function a()add(p,{x=64-rnd(128),y=64-rnd(128),z=4+rnd(9),c=t})end
for k,v in pairs(p)do
if(v.z>.1)line(64+v.x*q,64+v.y*q,64+v.x*w,64+v.y*w,v.c%.2>.1 and 7or 12)
for i=0,-s*22 do a()end
flip()goto _
#Pico8 #TweetJam #TweetCart
#starwars #hyperspace #pico8 #tweetjam #tweetcart
An Old Netbook Spills Its Secrets https://hackaday.com/2023/03/27/an-old-netbook-spills-its-secrets/ #masterbootrecord #Retrocomputing #virtualization #filesystem #hyperspace #instant-on #netbook #phoenix #samsung #windows #linux #boot #grub
#masterbootrecord #Retrocomputing #virtualization #filesystem #hyperspace #instant #netbook #phoenix #samsung #windows #linux #boot #grub
An Old Netbook Spills Its Secrets - For a brief moment in the late ’00s, netbooks dominated the low-cost mobile comput... - https://hackaday.com/2023/03/27/an-old-netbook-spills-its-secrets/ #masterbootrecord #retrocomputing #virtualization #filesystem #hyperspace #instant-on #netbook #phoenix #samsung #windows #linux #boot #grub
#grub #boot #linux #windows #samsung #phoenix #netbook #instant #hyperspace #filesystem #virtualization #retrocomputing #masterbootrecord
Going to try out #Hyperspace and see if this Mastodon client fares better. If all else fails, I'll just go with the PWA.
Happy to be part of #PlatformCon2023!
I'll tell the story of our #SAP internal CI/CD platform "Hyperspace": How it started, what we learned, and how we want to lower our development team's cognitive load in the future.
#platformcon2023 #sap #platformengineering #hyperspace
Still getting used to #Mastodon, and I don't think #Hyperspace desktop supports threads? But, here we go...
lessons learned: The best way to solve a problem is to question why it is occurring. I just tried #hyperspace and couldn't log in with my account. The message looked to me like it was due to Vivaldi Social. But a test with a test account shows: nope, the service is currently not available. And just a click later, I saw the error message on https://hyperspaceapp.herokuapp.com
Twitter ha confermato il ban alle app di terze parti (è obbligatoria l'#app ufficiale per massimizzare i guadagni) quindi per i transfughi di twitter ecco le 5 migliori applicazioni #mastodon per desktop:
#Whalebird - WIN MAC LINUX - https://whalebird.social/ -@h3poteto
#Hyperspace - WIN MAC LINUX - https://hyperspace.marquiskurt.net/ - @hyperspacedev
:linux: #Tootle https://gitea.it/Mastodon/tootle-linux-client
#TheDesk - WIN MAC LINUX - https://thedesk.top/en/
#Sengi - WIN MAC LINUX - https://nicolasconstant.github.io/sengi/ -@sengi_app
#app #mastodon #whalebird #hyperspace #tootle #thedesk #sengi
"Riemann’s Seminal Lecture on Non-Euclidean Geometry" by Areeba Merriam 👉 🔗 https://www.cantorsparadise.com/reimanns-seminal-lecture-on-non-euclidean-geometry-11673a8d6fbb
#Riemann #SeminalLecture #NonEuclideanGeometry #EuclideanGeometry #Gravity #DifferentialGeometry #Relativity #GeneralRelativity #SpecialRelativity #RiemannianGeometry #Tensor #Minkowski #HermannMinkowski #Spacetime #Space #Time #Curvature #Klein #Jacobi #Dirichlet #Gauss #Hypersurface #EllipticGeometry #Geometry #Physics #Topology #Hyperspace #Einstein #AlbertEinstein #Isaacson #MichioKaku #Kaku
#Kaku #michiokaku #isaacson #alberteinstein #einstein #hyperspace #topology #physics #geometry #ellipticgeometry #hypersurface #gauss #dirichlet #jacobi #klein #curvature #time #space #spacetime #hermannminkowski #minkowski #tensor #riemanniangeometry #specialrelativity #generalrelativity #relativity #differentialgeometry #gravity #EuclideanGeometry #NoneuclideanGeometry #seminallecture #riemann
@nuzzlehouse @Setok it is isn't it? seems clearer than #hyperspace. Oh yes, I tried #mastonaut too but that was forgettable...obvi 😆
Whenever I get on a new social media platform, I usually look for clients. I don't like browsing on my Browser as I like that specifically for browsing. In any case, found a couple to test run and have finally settled on one for the forseeable future at least until I read more tomorrow. 😆 Gave #hyperspace a go but didn't quite like it's interface or what felt like an unintuitive search box. HATED that whenever I clicked & dragged it dragged the box rather than selected the text. THen tried #whalebird and that's what I'm on now! Liking the clean interface and it feels more intuitive. I'm running #macosventura and a #macbookpro14M1 #thoughts (toot suggested by @Setok)
#hyperspace #whalebird #macosventura #macbookpro14m1 #thoughts
@nikicheong using #hyperspace on Mac. #Mastodon on #android. See how... 😁 I'm sure my Google feed will tell me in a bit which apps are best for both platforms soon 😁🤭
#hyperspace #mastodon #android
Methinks Beck is a fellow traveler - good lyrics:
Nowhere child, keep on running
In your time you'll find something
in the everlasting nothing
#beck #hyperspace
Well, I’ve finally done it: I’ve written the #Fedigardens introductory post on my #blog today. Now to just write my 2023 goals post (which should be much easier, tbh).
🔗: https://marquiskurt.net/post/705279776765673472/introducing-fedigardens-and-why-im-not-fond-of
#iOSdev #iOSDevelopment #Hyperspace #HyperspaceDesktop #reflection
#fedigardens #blog #iosdev #iosdevelopment #hyperspace #hyperspacedesktop #reflection
As I've been wanting a desktop client, I've settled for #Hyperspace. Reminds me a lot of the Material Design of #Android, which is a bit jarring on a #Windows device...