If you run #Tor, you can now watch the #CC-licensed #Bloodspell #machinima series as video-on-demand via #Freenet #Hyphanet over a new inproxy: http://xdxvyfgo6d3vwpisd4jexhx5t3xeioynkpiiv3luyahbioconztrmeyd.onion:8888/freenet:USK@JzzvVJt-47Hby7c6i21I1HJjmUQT3EfkViJcXtH0jHk,Vtfn5lZf5lihVC6S-ymJHF69Z2qG8zHfcKNMGxrTcjQ,AQACAAE/bloodspell/32/chronological.html
(uses a version of https://www.draketo.de/software/m3u-player that’s been reviewed by the Core Devs to polyfill m3u playlist support, so it needs #Javascript enabled)
You can also run a node yourself to get better #privacy and speed: https://www.hyphanet.org/pages/download.html
#decentralization of #video — #CreativeCommons hosted without server.
#Tor #CC #bloodspell #machinima #freenet #hyphanet #JavaScript #privacy #decentralization #video #CreativeCommons
23 years of Freenet / #Hyphanet: the long game — vision, foundations and progress of the friend-to-friend network
Slides of the 2022 talk for SUMA e.V. congress at the venerable Hannover University now with English translation: https://www.draketo.de/software/freenet-hyphanet-the-long-game-de--google-translated-en.pdf
Because several asked now: Differences between #Freenet / #Hyphanet and Locutus: https://www.draketo.de/politik/kommentare#differences-hyphanet-locutus
#Freenet / #Hyphanet: The forgotten cypherpunk paradise → https://www.draketo.de/english/freenet/forgotten-cryptopunk-paradise
@TheMorpheus Oh fuck … danke für die Infos. Wir sind die Bots müssen wieder auf die Straße.
Ich habe heute übrigens Geburtstag … wer mir was schenken will: fangt an, Demos zu organisieren.
Oh, und verwendet #Freenet / #Hyphanet damit es in Position ist, bevor eine Chatkontrolle kommt, so dass die in der Praxis nicht umsetzbar wird.
@quincy I hope so. I started contributing to #Freenet when #Groklaw shut down after the #Snowden revelations.
(as a sad aside: the original founder of Freenet decided to take the name and apply it to a newfangled cryptocontract system without privacy — that’s why I’m writing Freenet / #Hyphanet here and not just Freenet: Hyphanet is the name the community chose after the non-profit decided to take away the name Freenet)
@richard @Techmeme @CCC @entropia
#freenet #groklaw #snowden #hyphanet
@quincy prepare for the time after … I’ve been using #Freenet / #Hyphanet for years to have an emergency plan: When freedom of the press dies we need a place to organize: https://www.freenetproject.org
Längere Info dazu von mir auf Deutsch: https://suma-ev.de/wp-content/uploads/2022/11/SUMA-Kongress22-freenet.webm
@richard @Techmeme @CCC @entropia
pyFreenet was updated to version : freesitemgr no longer misses inserting a file that switched from manifest to external:
source: https://github.com/hyphanet/pyFreenet
Install via pip install --user pyFreenet3
For usage info, see https://www.draketo.de/light/english/freenet/communication-primitives-1-files-and-sites
@anneroth wie krass …
Erinnert mich mal wieder daran, wie wichtig es ist, anonym sprechen zu können.
Das ist eine Einladung: https://freenetproject.org/pages/download.html
Hier sind noch Hintergrund und Begründung: https://suma-ev.de/wp-content/uploads/2022/11/SUMA-Kongress22-freenet.webm
Some short-term history: in 2021 we finally mitigated the pitch black attack that had been found by the #GNUnet folks.
With this the friend-to-friend mode that was introduced in 2007 got robust enough that nowadays people can rely on it for hidden #communication.
In the same release (1492) #decentralized streaming of video on demand started to work well enough to share conference talks: https://freenetproject.org/freenet-build-1492-released-video-diagnostics-pitch-black-plugins.html
#communication #decentralized #freenet #hyphanet #gnunet
@msavoritias I’d like to add here that FMS in #Freenet / #Hyphanet has worked well for blind people for over a decade now — including audio-captchas to enable blind people to join up without decoding images — and it has active blind users.
That’s a privacy preserving communication tool which is sadly ignored by most.
It’s not perfect, actually it’s usability is sub-par for sighted people, but it works for and is used by blind people.
→ https://freenetproject.org/pages/download.html
@Dorota @downey