Matthew Hall · @Mjhall
13 followers · 192 posts · Server

@atrupar oh - another appropriate term to go with - !

#hypochristian #Christofascist

Last updated 1 year ago

Bravo for this post. Ask the Rightligious Christian organization called "Sunday Breakfast Mission" and they would add isolation to the list.

One of their programs to "help" people that are poor, homeless and struggle with addiction requires participants to give up cell phones and have no contact with the outside world, including loved ones.

I guess it's easier to brainwash people that way.

#religiousabuse #disabilityeconomicjustice #inducedpoverty #control #hypochristian #coercion #endhomelessness #love4all #love2all #teardownthewall

Last updated 2 years ago

Well put. I hope I say this correctly and am not misunderstood.

I have family members that are "Rightligious" and I have been involved in many conversations on this subject with the religious, people with invisible disabilities and friends in the LGBTQIA+ community. Because of my exposure in my youth, I have a vast knowledge of the bible.

One of the many reasons I stepped away from religion is this subject. I call these folks "Hypochristians". The argument many bible folk often voice, is invalid in my view, just like the mistaken belief that you challenged in your post.

Too many bible believers use their scriptures as a battering ram against any one who's life or views they oppose. Don't misinterpret my use of bible principles as support for the Hypochristians. If they truly believe in the book they base their life on, they should probably put all of it into practice.

One their principles often overlooked: "Of all these commandments, the greatest is love." Why then, won't some love those with Invisible disabilities, Mental illness or people in the LGBTQIA+ community? Using scriptures for convenience to exclude or hate, is very , and another reason I stepped away.

Another that is always used as a battering ram, is often seen on their signs while they practice violence against the targets of their hate. The scriptures I'm sure many have had hurled at them is, "God hates Homosexuality". Again, if they truly believe in that book, Hypochristians once again, miss that mark.

I can't count how many times I've chimed in with the following:

"If that scripture is not a mistranslation or a creation of convenience, there’s another to consider in it's regard. The bible also says that "God hates sin", but he does not hate the sinner. In Christian belief, " he so loved the world that he gave his only son."

If these folks believe god hates homosexuality and sin, then God also does not hate the sinner or the LGBTQIA+ community. He does not hate people with invisible disabilities or mental illness either. To the contrary if those principle were true, he most likley has more love and compassion because of the hate all of us have been subjected to. He who self-righteously believes they are without sin, always seem to cast the first stone. So the argument of Hypochristians seems to hold little holy water.

Love. That's it. It simple, isn't it? Why then do so many not get it?
I hope I was able to convey my thoughts correctly. I am a human still learning to improve but, I love every person equally, as best as I can. I love you all, and even try to love the hateful Hypochristian. They just make it so dam hard sometimes. Who do you think exiled me anyway.


Last updated 2 years ago