Elon Musk: FREE SPEEEEEECH!!! Let's unban Trump.
Also Elon Musk: Cis is a slur that is banned on this platform.
Those people who ask what your weekend plans are because they're looking to sharing what they will do... 😅 #HypocrisyAlert
It appears the UK Government's environmental improvement plan isn't so much a plan as a wishlist, and a pretty wishy-washy one at that. "Ambitious" it's not. More greenwashing from a party in Government that doesn't really give a fig for nature #agriculture #food #climatedelay #nature #environment #HypocrisyAlert
#agriculture #food #ClimateDelay #nature #environment #hypocrisyalert
Labour pledges to toughen ‘weakened and gutted’ online safety bill
#labour #hypocrisy #hypocrisyalert