Def in a #hypomanic state - over talkative, craving social media attention from you (YES YOU), impatient, unable to concentrate / mind flitting from one shiny thing to the next, creative, hyper productive, sweary, kinky, eager, not sleeping, reduced appetite, want a promotion at work, looking forward to meetings, wanting to socialise, unwavering self confidence, won’t suffer fools 😅. Good ol’ #bipolar, it has its ups and downs.
#mentalhealth #bipolar #hypomanic
Can’t decide whether I’m getting old or just stable again after a #hypomanic episode, but my #libido has crashed 😬
#bipolar #cyclothymia
#cyclothymia #bipolar #libido #hypomanic
Goddammit I’m so #hypomanic right now. My mood is on a hair trigger. I’m calm one minute, then I see a tweet from an old ‘friend’ claiming ‘#mastodon is a bit poop’ and I want to rip his head off. I hope this will pass after a good night’s sleep.
Been #hypomanic the last few weeks. Can’t afford to see my psychiatrist so have taken it upon myself to reduce my sertraline by 25mg a day to 75mg. Fingers crossed.
#bipolar #cyclothymia #seasonalaffectivedisorder #sad
#sad #seasonalaffectivedisorder #cyclothymia #bipolar #hypomanic
I’ve emerged from a mini #hypomanic episode and entered into the inevitable crash. I’ve just slept 4pm to 8pm and will likely sleep through the night too. Hoping stable times will resume tomorrow 🤞
#bipolar #cyclothymia #hypomania
#hypomania #cyclothymia #bipolar #hypomanic
So #hypomanic right now…. Blasting out toots and tweets all over the place. Looking for arguments 😅.
#bipolar #cyclothymia #mentalhealth
#mentalhealth #cyclothymia #bipolar #hypomanic
A touch #hypomanic today - full of ideas and excitement and an overwhelming desire to toot, tweet and connect with people. Also a serious lack of focus.
#bipolar #cyclothymia #seasonalaffectivedisorder
#seasonalaffectivedisorder #cyclothymia #bipolar #hypomanic
Lack of sleep and beautiful blue skies got me a touch #hypomanic yesterday. Gently told myself to calm the f*ck down.
Lack of sleep and beautiful blue skies got me a touch #hypomanic yesterday. Gently told myself to calm the f*ck down.
I’ve entered a #hypomanic phase: reduced appetite; difficulty getting to #sleep and early waking; hyperproductive; #hypersexual ; increased exercise; no anxiety; talkative, craving social contact; suddenly interested in everything; actually feeling confident and interested in my job; relentless posting and checking of social media; #OCD - everything in the house in its right place 😬
Figures, as the daylight hours and levels of sunlight are ramping up. #SAD #bipolar #cyclothymia #mentalhealth
#ocd #mentalhealth #cyclothymia #bipolar #sad #hypersexual #sleep #hypomanic
I once invited the neighbours over while I was #hypomanic. The conversation quickly turned political and I shot the poor woman down. The relationship was somewhat less cordial thereafter. 😬
Read @ttscoff blog about #bipolar & it reminded me of times I’ve kicked off crazy ambitious projects while #hypomanic before crashing into #depression and failing to follow through. I once applied for a director level job & reached the final stage before crashing, and had an intensely awkward time in front of a hall full of people when I could barely string a sentence together
#cyclothymia #mentalhealth
#mentalhealth #cyclothymia #Depression #hypomanic #bipolar
Sometimes whispering to the world is more powerful than shouting to my friends. I’ve been in a significant #hypomanic state for a month now, mostly enjoyable and creatively productive, but now I’m in the miserable end of an episode. I just need for someone in the world to accept this toot with empathy and compassion. #bipolar #mentalillness #MentalHealthWarriors
#mentalhealthwarriors #mentalillness #bipolar #hypomanic
Sometimes whispering to the world is more powerful than shouting to my friends. I’ve been in a significant #hypomanic state for a month now, mostly enjoyable and creatively productive, but now I’m in the miserable end of an episode. I just need for someone in the world to accept this toot with empathy and compassion.
High stress situations and #hypomanic go together for me. I can be the tough, go to person who makes things happens. I often did.
But not resilient. I'll remain hypomanic and active for as long as the situation needs, but once it resolves, chances are it'll trigger a #depression episode.
Long term high stress is not a good match for me.
These days I'd rather forecast possible problems and steer around them. Less wear and tear on my moods.
#bipolar #hypomanic #depression