Before I leave my office: Shout out to #AcademicBlogging #Microblogging and #HypothesesBlog platform. The short form of a blog post, in combination with a high frequency of posting, is an effective means of getting back into writing something other than emails and grant applications ;)
#academicblogging #microblogging #hypothesesblog
Addendum to 🧵 #ResearchSupportPartnershipUiO On Monday this week, I held my guest lecture for master students of #History again, called "Digital Research Methods for Historians". I started giving this lecture in spring 2018 and have been repeating it every semester since. I usually talk about digital source material (mainly Norwegian) and show some tools, like #Mirador #IIIFViewer #Transkribus #Voyant #CATMA #Recogito #HypothesesBlog and the Norwegian National Library's API and apps.
#researchsupportpartnershipuio #history #mirador #iiifviewer #Transkribus #voyant #catma #recogito #hypothesesblog