So‑Called Vaughn · @vaughnsc
362 followers · 2506 posts · Server

@emmalovelace That’s if you could find one, left over. A big if. 😂


Last updated 1 year ago

Few things bug me more than rampant knee jerk .

Healthy is one thing, but constantly spreading doom, gloom, hyperbole, and etcetera is another.

What makes it worse is that the priests of the New Luddism are peddling purely as truth, who are masquerading as qualified technology when they're not.

It's hard to see it little more than against . It's all very Things Man Was Not Meant To Make.

#luddism #skepticism #fud #philosophers #speculative #hypotheticals #scientists #fearmongering #science

Last updated 2 years ago

hobs · @hobs
408 followers · 762 posts · Server

@eevee Exactly. It will always seem if you skim over it, but there's no behind it. make no less sense than to a bot. It's all just to a bot.

#Stories #recollection #hypotheticals #reasoning #reasonable

Last updated 2 years ago

Justin (koavf) · @koavf
25 followers · 617 posts · Server

If your favorite period of The Beatles is the very end (like mine is), you may like this hypothetical final Beatles album, Everest:

Maddeningly, the authors point out that 18 tracks could have been included on the album, but only 14 appear for space constraints. They omit what the other four are! (I wrote them and will follow up in case they reveal them.)

#beatles #thebeatles #alternatehistory #everest #hypotheticals #formidable #formidablemagazine #formidablemag

Last updated 2 years ago