Por cierto, ya no puedo consumir nightshade vegetables (solanáceas), esto por el intestino permeable.
El intestino permeable hace que entren los patógenos malos al torrente sanguíneo, lo que provoca problemas de salud, alergias, etc. y autoinmunidad, como el hipotiroidismo de Hashimoto 🤙🏻.
Si gustan saber más les dejo un pequeño link: https://www.thyrosisters.com/why-avoid-nightshades/
#Hashimoto #hypothyroidism #hipotiroidismo
Are there any #GPs in #Melbourne #Australia who:
A) Like complex patients?
B) Are still taking on complex patients? All I‘ve tried are full.
I’ve tried asking everywhere. Hundreds. I’m so tired. 😩
#SevereME #PwME #MECFS
#LongCovid #POTS #Hypothyroidism
#gps #melbourne #australia #MedMastodon #chronicillness #SevereME #pwme #mecfs #LongCovid #pots #hypothyroidism
https://homeopathicmedicine.one/natural-treatment-for-hypothyroidism/ Your thyroid controls your metabolism and whether you lose weight or not. It protects your body from radiation, and is your immune system's first line of defense. Homeopathy can balance your thyroid to have it protect you and keep your metabolism boosted and balanced. #hypothyroidism #underactivethyroid #homeopathy #homeopathic #hashimotos
#hypothyroidism #underactivethyroid #Homeopathy #homeopathic #hashimotos
https://botanicals.one/nascent-iodine/ Nascent Iodine is a Natural Liquid Iodine Supplement that protects your thyroid from radiation, infection, goiter, infection and even thyroid cancer. It is the best preventative against respiratory infections like coronaviruses (covid-19 and influenza) that affect your respiratory system. It also controls your metabolism and how much weight you can lose and how fast your hair falls out. Keep it healthy and be protected from hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism. #iodine #hypothyroidism #weightloss #metabolism #immunity
#Iodine #hypothyroidism #weightloss #metabolism #immunity
https://homeopathicmedicine.one/natural-treatment-for-hypothyroidism/ Your thyroid controls your metabolism and whether you lose weight or not. It protects your body from radiation, and is your immune system's first line of defense. Homeopathy can balance your thyroid to have it protect you and keep your metabolism boosted and balanced. #hypothyroidism #underactivethyroid #homeopathy #homeopathic #hashimotos
#hypothyroidism #underactivethyroid #Homeopathy #homeopathic #hashimotos
https://homeopathicmedicine.one/natural-treatment-for-hypothyroidism/ Your thyroid controls your metabolism and whether you lose weight or not. It protects your body from radiation, and is your immune system's first line of defense. Homeopathy can balance your thyroid to have it protect you and keep your metabolism boosted and balanced. #hypothyroidism #underactivethyroid #homeopathy #homeopathic #hashimotos
#hypothyroidism #underactivethyroid #Homeopathy #homeopathic #hashimotos
See bio, and: I'm middle aged, mostly housebound, often non speaking. Living alone with two much loved European shorthair rescue cats. In transition since 2022.
I love love love crafting. Esp (doll) clothes, (cat) blankets, and amigurumi. I also have wild flowers on my balcony since this year. Pure joy.
My dream is a free standing ground floor house with garden in a quiet area. With household , admin, and gardening assistance. Not easy to come by in NL. So far, I have none of these things.
Politically I lean very far left.
#Disability #Accessibility #Autism #MyalgicEncephalomyelitis #POTS #Hypothyroidism #IBS #cPTSD
#cptsd #ibs #hypothyroidism #pots #myalgicencephalomyelitis #autism #accessibility #disability #Introduction
https://homeopathicremedies.review/homeopathic-remedies-for-hypothyroidism/ Your thyroid gland is in charge of your metabolism (if you burn fat or store fat) and also protects you from radiation. Keep it in balance and you lose excess body fat without trying naturally. #hypothyroidism #thyroid #homeopathy #homeopathic
#hypothyroidism #thyroid #Homeopathy #homeopathic
Many people suffer from Hypothyroidism
Sometimes it's a simple hormone conversion problem due to Selenium deficiency.
Check out the foods that contain
#health #Selenium #thyroid #hypothyroidism
#health #selenium #thyroid #hypothyroidism
#DrSteveHotze says #hypothyroidism often causes #infertility and #pregnancy complications
#DrSteveHotze #hypothyroidism #infertility #pregnancy
#DrSteveHotze says #hypothyroidism often causes #infertility and #pregnancy complications
#DrSteveHotze #hypothyroidism #infertility #pregnancy
#DrSteveHotze says #hypothyroidism often causes #infertility and #pregnancy complications
#DrSteveHotze #hypothyroidism #infertility #pregnancy
I always wanted a raspy singing voice, lol! 😀
#hypothyroidism #positivevibes
My #thyroid might be a lazy boi.
GP visit next week to discuss
#hypothyroidism #health #physicalhealth
#physicalhealth #health #hypothyroidism #Thyroid
My Health Tanked Again https://onestarrynight.com/my-health-tanked-again/
#autoimmune #hypothyroidism #thyroid
And... I poopooed this morning. I should have taken my synthroid, but I mistakenly had a snack instead.
No biggie, I guess I'll just take my synthroid later, but I don't like it when I mess up like this.
#medicines #synthroid #snack #chemobrain #forgetful #mentalhealth #hypothyroidism
#medicines #synthroid #snack #chemobrain #forgetful #mentalhealth #hypothyroidism
https://herbalremedies.one/natural-remedies-for-thyroid/ Your thyroid gland protects you from radiation uptake and sets your metabolism (how fast you burn fat or keep it on.) Naturally prevent thyroid cancer and naturally boost and balance Your Thyroid Gland for Natural Weight Loss, Metabolism, Radiation Protection, Immune System protection from viruses and bacteria infection, Improved Energy. #hypothyroidism #thyroid #hashimotos #immunity #health
#health #immunity #hashimotos #thyroid #hypothyroidism
https://botanicals.one/nascent-iodine/ Nascent Iodine is a Natural Iodine that protects your thyroid from radiation, infection, goiter, infection and even thyroid cancer. It is the best preventative against respiratory infections like coronaviruses (covid-19 and influenza) that affect your respiratory system. It also controls how much weight you can lose and how fast your hair falls out. Keep it healthy and be protected from hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism. #iodine #hypothyroidism #hyperthyroidism #covid-19 #immunity
#immunity #COVID #hyperthyroidism #hypothyroidism #Iodine
https://holistichealth.one/how-to-treat-hypothyroidism-naturally/ Natural Way to Balance and Boost Your Thyroid Gland for enhanced Immunity, Weight Loss, Better Vision and Memory too! Protect against radiation, autoimmune conditions and thyroid cancer. #hypothyroidism #thyroid #hashimoto #autoimmune #health
#health #Autoimmune #hashimoto #thyroid #hypothyroidism
Kinda cheered that my permanent coldness and general sadness of late is likely down to my thyroid becoming under active after the radioiodine treatment. Taking levothyroxine seems a lot easier than fixing the world/weather. #hypothyroidism