Kommunikationszentrale #Herz und nachhaltige #Energieanwendungen: neue #Helmholtz-Institute in Heidelberg und Jena mit @MDC_Berlin, Uni Heidelberg, #HZB und @unijena ➡️ https://www.helmholtz.de/newsroom/artikel/kommunikationszentrale-herz-und-nachhaltige-energieanwendungen-helmholtz-gruendet-neue-institute-in-heidelberg-und-jena/ (hk)
#herz #energieanwendungen #helmholtz #hzb
Photos from BESSY, the #Berlin #Synchrotron by @helmholtz Centre Berlin #HZB
Anyone want to come and work in #berlin with me? #HZB
You can play with magnets in the day and then enjoy the forests, lakes, beer gardens, Christmas markets by night!
I'd love to hear from you!