Flip the Switch on this I2C Controlled USB Hub - You’ve probably seen USB hubs with physical switches for each port, they provide a... - https://hackaday.com/2023/09/11/flip-the-switch-on-this-i2c-controlled-usb-hub/ #peripheralshacks #digitalswitch #usbhub #i2c
#i2c #usbhub #digitalswitch #peripheralshacks
If you can use #opensource, you can build #hardware 👇💡
#opensource #hardware #tech #arduino #i2c
🎉 Neues Buch Alert! 📚🔍 Entdecke die Welt der Logik-Analyse! 🌐💡 "Logic Analyzer im Einsatz" - Dein Guide für Protokoll-Detektivarbeit! 🕵️♂️🔌 Für Anfänger! 🦸♂️💥 Protokolle knacken, Fehler jagen! 🚀💻 Greif zu, bevor die Bits brennen! 🔥📦 #LogicAnalyzer #Maker #Electronics #DIYElectronics #Arduino #RaspberryPi #EmbeddedSystems #Hackerspace #OpenSourceHardware #Robotics #ElectronicsHobbyist #i2c #spi
👉 https://www.elektor.de/logic-analyzer-im-einsatz 🙌🔍✨ *Beep Boop Bop* 🤖📊 #LogicAnalyzerImEinsatz
#logicanalyzerimeinsatz #spi #i2c #electronicshobbyist #robotics #opensourcehardware #hackerspace #embeddedsystems #raspberrypi #arduino #diyelectronics #electronics #maker #logicanalyzer
よしよし、動いとるで。何故かWiiヌンチャクに対応するキースイッチのフォースカーブ測定マシン #軸の秤 さん。微妙に入力判定が怪しいけどその辺はワイのソフトウェアが悪いので…
Splendid! It’s working. My force-curve measuring machine #軸の秤 now supports Wii Nunchuck. It loses input from time to time but it’s totally my software’s fault.
#電子工作 #DIY #electronics #電子工作初心者 #I2C #Wii #WiiNunchuck #OLED #OLEDdisplay
#oleddisplay #oled #wiinunchuck #wii #i2c #電子工作初心者 #electronics #diy #電子工作 #軸の秤
A Usable Arduino Debugging Tool - For as popular as the Arduino platform is, it’s not without its problems. Among th... - https://hackaday.com/2023/07/31/a-usable-arduino-debugging-tool/ #arduinohacks #debugger #arduino #display #eye2see #library #program #tool #i2c
#i2c #tool #program #library #eye2see #display #arduino #debugger #arduinohacks
The other MCU pulls the signal wire to #ground to xmit.
The MCUs - Holtek BS82C16A-3 and BS84B08A-3 - natively support #SPI and #I2C, but this isn't either of those.
Each #frame with one byte of data starts with a long (~10ms) low pulse (for #sync, presumably), followed by the #data line returning high for ~5ms, then the data bits are transmitted as low #pulses of different durations for 0 and 1 - 0.6ms and 2.8ms.
The eight data bits are followed by a stop/end bit, always short.
#ground #spi #i2c #Frame #sync #data #pulses
then we recently noticed that we could probably revive it, a few parts needed replacing: the 3.3V buck converter and the backlight booster both got discontinued, and we now add stemma QT ports on I2C-capable devices. what do you think this board does?
#adafruit #pcbdesign #stemmaqt #i2c #whatdoesthisboarddo
quad-rotary board is getting ready to stock 🔁🎛️💻🔄🔌
this seesaw board converts 4 rotary encoders to I2C for adding a ton of twists. like our other attiny8xx boards, we use a metro m0 to do the programming of the UPDI interface, then communicate over I2C to check each pin is not shorted or open. this will be in the shop soon so don't get your knickers in a twist! https://www.adafruit.com/product/5752
#QuadRotaryBoard #I2C #RotaryEncoders #ATtiny8xx #MetroM0 #UPDI #Adafruit
#quadrotaryboard #i2c #rotaryencoders #attiny8xx #metrom0 #UPDI #adafruit
Three Pitfalls in I2C Everyone Wishes Weren’t There - The best part of I2C is that it is a bus that is available just about anywhere, co... - https://hackaday.com/2023/07/03/three-pitfalls-in-i2c-everyone-wishes-werent-there/ #softwaredevelopment #microcontrollers #multi-dropbus #serial #bus #i2c #spi
#spi #i2c #bus #serial #multi #microcontrollers #softwaredevelopment
I decided to redo the DIY #shield. Now I'll be able to connect four I²C sensors using #JST connectors. The Bluetooth module will be repositioned, too. The resistors were replaced by #SMD ones, to save space.
I only have to decide which pins to use.
#Dalek #Arduino #robot #soldering #perfboard #IIC #I2C
#i2c #iic #perfboard #soldering #robot #arduino #dalek #smd #jst #shield
A Simple Guide To Bit Banged I2C On The 6502 - We covered [Anders Nielsen]’s 65duino project a short while ago, and now he’s back... - https://hackaday.com/2023/06/18/a-simple-guide-to-bit-banged-i2c-on-the-6502/ #computerhacks #softwarehacks #oledssd1306 #bitbanging #riot #i2c
#i2c #riot #bitbanging #oledssd1306 #softwarehacks #computerhacks
Interlaken Want to Connect All the Chips https://hackaday.com/2023/04/17/interlaken-want-to-connect-all-the-chips/ #Microcontrollers #Interlaken #serial #FPGA #bus #i2c #spi
#Microcontrollers #interlaken #serial #fpga #bus #i2c #spi
Interlaken Want to Connect All the Chips - One of the problems with designing things on a chip is finding a good way to talk ... - https://hackaday.com/2023/04/17/interlaken-want-to-connect-all-the-chips/ #microcontrollers #interlaken #serial #fpga #bus #i2c #spi
#spi #i2c #bus #fpga #serial #interlaken #microcontrollers
Mhh, Pullup Resistor on the Line enable?
Wenn 2 #I2C, 2 I2C Controler put 5 V on the Line. The Line is alway high.