Well, I think my intermezzo with #kdeplasma has come to an end...let's get back to #i3 🥰
Having really only ever used #dwm as my #linux windows manager, am I right that #i3 / #sway just doesn't support dynamic window management (dock mode, monocle mode, floating mode, spiral, etc.) that dwm does? That it's pretty much just tiling only? I spent a small amount of time playing with sway and couldn't figure out how to get it to switch modes like this.
for those of us still on #windows - in my #mswindows days - I used #stardock #Groupy - https://www.stardock.com/products/groupy/ - I missed that on #linux , which is why #i3 #sway #hypr having tree based #tiling (which seems way more powerful than what groupy offers) is very exciting to me.
Getting that in #kde or #gnome would be a killer feature. Alternatively: getting a great out of the box tiling WM setup would be killer (minimal customization needed, good dock, good systray)
#windows #mswindows #stardock #groupy #linux #i3 #sway #hypr #tiling #kde #gnome
however, #i3 is nowhere as feature rich without lots of customization (maybe not even then) compared to #kde or #gnome . One killer feature in i3 is the tree based tiling layouts - I can have two vertically split containers, and tabbed windows in each (or just one).
I'd love to have that functionality in my kde setup, but reading up - even running #3 within #plasma doesn't seem smooth/vanilla enough. I'll still keep playing around with it on my #nixos laptop, but boy does it need extra setup!
#i3 #kde #gnome #plasma #nixos
I've settled down a bit after an initial #distrohopping adventure ever since #ubuntu starting worrying me. Here's what I've settled down on now, after experimenting with different setups:
1. #opensuse #tumbleweed and #nixos on my primary and experimental laptops
2. #chezmoi to synchronize dotfiles
3. #nix #packagemanager to manage command line utilities across distros with #homemanager
4.i. #kdeplasma + #lattedock + #touchegg preferred on #opensuse
4.ii. #i3wm on #nixos
#i3 is very cool....
#distrohopping #ubuntu #opensuse #tumbleweed #nixos #chezmoi #nix #packagemanager #homemanager #kdeplasma #lattedock #touchegg #i3wm #i3
Regolith Desktop 3.0 Released with Initial Wayland Support https://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2023/08/regolith-desktop-3-0-released-with-initial-wayland-support #linux #i3 #wayland
If you're interested in how I've customized my shell, neovim, i3, tmux and many other tools, check out my dotfiles here:
Unfamiliar with dotfile management? I've written an article on my personal blog: https://www.geewiz.dev/2019/04/30/how-manage-dotfiles.html
#Linux #vim #Neovim #i3 #polybar #tmux
@thelinuxEXP I’m not a #gnome guy. I don’t like the workflow, because it can take too much memory. And I use #i3 with autotiling and #dwm with a few patches.
If you experience black border around menus in #gtk4 apps and don't use a compositing wm, e.g. #i3, here's the solution:
$ cat ~/.config/gtk-4.0/gtk.css
popover contents {
border-bottom-left-radius: 0;
border-bottom-right-radius: 0;
border-top-left-radius: 0;
border-top-right-radius: 0;
box-shadow: none;
For tiling applications on a workspace, then the Regolith Desktop using Ubuntu and i3 window manager looks a whole lot better with way more options.
Hello again world!
Finally got around to reinstalling #Gentoo on my main workstation. The last install was old enough that the ::gentoo tree still lived in /usr/portage!
Also ditched x11 (I'll miss you #i3), jumping into #sway land (might take hikari for a spin). The root partition is also xfs now instead of ext4 (check out https://social.treehouse.systems/@thesamesam/110626061537634143)
For #i3 #i3wm users: if you need a confirmation prior to killing windows, add this to your config:
set $close "Close the window? (Y/n)"
mode $close {
bindsym y kill, mode default
bindsym Return kill, mode default
bindsym n mode default
bindsym Escape mode default
bindsym $mod+q mode $close
I really wanted to use the i3 window manager on my #Linux Mint, but it kept breaking everything.
I did a fresh install, but my background got permanently black, and then I couldn't use apps installed from flatpak for whatever reason.
I guess I'm staying on Cinnamon. 😅
#linux #mint #i3 #i3wm #desktop #development #gamedev
TBH, it's the other way around.
My lack of organisational skills forced me to find a solution.
If you look at my #i3 config https://gitlab.com/pcoves/i3/-/blob/master/.config/i3/config I put a name on everything and force it to always be at the same place.
I KNOW my terminal is on workspace 1, browser on 2 etc.
And always one single window, no surprise.
But I can go from one to the other inna blink thanks to the keyboard.
Also: custom keyboard https://pcoves.gitlab.io/en/blog/keyboard-36-keys/
I started using `default_border none` in my #i3 config and love it when black windows touch each other seamlessly. #NoBorders