[HowTo] Instalación de 'i3wm' en 'RaspBian' o 'RaspBerry Pi OS' vía repositorio oficial #raspbian #raspberry_pi_os #raspios #debian #i3wm #i3status #i3lock #dmenu #window_manager #sistemas_operativos #gnu_linux #linux #escritorio #interfaz_grafico #desktop #gui https://hijosdeinit.gitlab.io/howto_i3wm_raspbian_raspberrypios/
#raspbian #Raspberry_Pi_OS #raspios #debian #i3wm #i3status #i3lock #dmenu #window_manager #sistemas_operativos #gnu_linux #linux #escritorio #interfaz_grafico #desktop #gui
I use #i3lock with a script to cycle a bunch of images in ~/.config/mine/bg/
I start it with XSS Lock
`xss-lock -l -n -- ~/.bin/start/lock/i3lock.sh`
Where that script is (roughly) https://paste.sr.ht/~jasper/cffc828e4617db4b52af0a740e617a930b239494
Thinks it's pretty good, but xscreensaver is certainly easier to use..
Hmm bit annoyed that #i3lock doesn't have an UI.. I mean i might still want to be able to pause/mute/play the music?