MULTILAYERED CONUNDRA (my new math-rock band name?): I don’t want FB or Twitter to ever have the opportunity to fingerprint my browser, so I use(d?) #PiHole to block at the DNS level. But Firefox’s DOH (which I’m otherwise fine with) skips the PiHole by design… and if I’m not on #Firefox, the #iCloud+ Private Relay service skips it also. All by design, and with their own benefits, but… what do? I don’t want those domains to resolve, period!
🚨 Beware! A large-scale smishing campaign is hitting the U.S. through compromised Apple #iCloud accounts. Cybercriminals are after your identity and finances.
#informationsecurity #CyberSecurity #iCloud
Why is iCloud sync still not working reliably ? Just run "killall bird" in terminal yet again to force sync to complete. This bug ( if thats what it is ) has been around for a really long time ( )
@Mer__edith #Apple is totally able and willing to integrate #Govware #backdoors, as they've evidenced woth the chinese #iCloud...
Needless to say that I think any "#CSAM Scanners" and generally are inherently wrong and to be rejected out of principle.
#Backdooring #csam #iCloud #backdoors #govware #Apple
@khaleesicodes #Apple hat daf7r in der "V.R." #China die #iCloud undbderen User*innen an das dortige Regime ausgeliefert sowie iOS mit Govware vollgespamt!
20mins in and #iCloud Drive is almost finished syncing 2 items / 3KB. Computers!
@jsnell @imyke The times when #iCloud files doesn't sync up or down is when I'm doing something with the sending mac or the receiving mac that is CPU-heavy. #FFMPEG for example.
But yes, it drives me nuts! I killed #Dropbox from my work path when they wouldn't go Apple Silicon - and just didn't like the overhead Dropbox incurred.I don't know that I wanna go back... 😳
How to Share Files Between Two Macs
Check it out! 👇
#storage #macos #bluetooth #iCloud #mac #Apple
@Seirdy @neurovagrant Or to put it simple:
If your #centralized #SingleVendor / #SingleProvider "solution" isn't criminalized to be used in Russia, India, "P.R." China and Saudi-Arabia, then it's #backdoored like #iCloud in the PRC...
#iCloud #backdoored #SingleProvider #singlevendor #centralized
#Apple to ma všechno "skvěle" vymyšlené 👌
Když máte knihovnu fotek, tak se synchronizuje s jejich #iCloud (volitelné). Pokud se tento systém z nějakého důvodu zkurví např. že importováním kupy fotek do knihovny zaserete všechno místo na disku a synchronizace se zasekne (např. z důvodu nedostatku místa na disku) a z toho důvodu přesunete knihovnu na externí disk.. a znova rozjedete to všechno v prdeli. Přijdete o všechno co jste tam nacpali až do okamžiku záseku synchronizace.
@HopelessDemigod That's just #Apple doing a #Propaganda #lie cuz if they actually cared about #Security they would'Ve pulled out of the "P.R." #China instead of ratting out their chinese #iCloud users...
#iCloud #China #Security #lie #Propaganda #Apple
Why is it #Outlook can access my contacts on #iCloud, but my #Mac cannot?
The Contacts app on my Mac is completely empty and refuses to sync with iCloud.
Great tech you got there, Apple.
#Microsoft #Apple #wheresmydayplanner #DumbTech #mac #iCloud #outlook
Jetzt habe ich mich endlich mal hingesetzt und so gut wie alle meine Daten weg von der #iCloud in meine eigene #Nextcloud Umgebung welche auf meinem eigenen Server gehostet ist, umgezogen. Kontakte, Kalender, Fotos, Notizen, Dokumente usw..
Es fühlt sich ganz gut an zu wissen, dass man jederzeit das System wechseln kann und nicht auf das #Apple-Universum angewiesen ist und zudem die volle Kontrolle über seine Daten hat. OK, es ist administrativer Aufwand, aber ich finde, der lohnt sich.
@Joseph @deviantollam also all the #GAFAM|s did willingly contribute to #NSA's #PRISM program, and it's not as.if they were under duress to do so.
Amd even if - regardless if #iCloud in the "P.R." #China or #CloudAct in the #USA - I'd rather be honest like than insulting my intellect with proven lies like #WhatsApp being "E2EE" when it's clearly not and Apple caring about privacy when they literally deploy their "CSAM Scanner" #malware on devices that didn't even have an #Apple-Account!
#Apple #Malware #WhatsApp #USA #cloudact #China #iCloud #prism #NSA #gafam