My iCloud Drive is littered with hidden, unlinked, orphaned folders and such from apps I used years ago and eventually deleted. Searching around seems to indicate there’s no way to remove all this clutter. People say Apple doesn’t respond to inquiries about it. Any suggestions about removing all this cruft? #Apple #macOS #iCloudDrive
#TodayILearned that #macOS #Spotlight will not index #iCloud Drive documents unless they are fully downloaded—*unless* you are searching for keywords stored in their extended attributes.
This is a surprisingly big oversight. The more you use #iCloudDrive to store your documents (which Apple somewhat encourages you to do), the more likely you won’t be able to find them by searching for their content with Spotlight.
#todayilearned #macos #Spotlight #icloud #iCloudDrive
@mschwinges @stroughtonsmith Hey @marcoarment! Did you see this #iCloudDrive news? Maybe rethink your rethink on iCloud Drive… ?
In letzter Zeit höre ich häufiger das vom #iCloudDrive bei einigen Usern angeblich Daten verschwinden sollen. Ob da jetzt was dran ist oder nicht, sei mal dahingestellt. Jedoch hat mich das etwas wachgerüttelt. Daten in der Cloud allein, sind halt keine gute Idee…
Hier würde mich interessieren, kennt jemand gute #Apps um mit einem #Mac das gesamte iCloud Drive auf einen externen Datenträger zu sichern und ggf. zu #syncen, wenn man da regelmäßig macht? Hat hier jemand Empfehlungen? #Backup
#iCloudDrive #apps #mac #syncen #backup
Using macOS versions beyond local volumes
#versioncontrol #sparsebundle #filesharing #iCloudDrive #Technology #diskimage #version #iCloud #exFAT #Macs #NAS
#versioncontrol #sparsebundle #filesharing #iCloudDrive #technology #diskimage #version #icloud #exfat #macs #nas
How macOS versions help you recover from errors
#versioncontrol #iCloudDrive #Revisionist #Technology #DeepTools #version #backup #iCloud #Revert #Macs #undo
#versioncontrol #iCloudDrive #Revisionist #technology #DeepTools #version #backup #icloud #Revert #macs #undo