Adrian Cochrane · @alcinnz
2701 followers · 117987 posts · Server

There's numerous projects I am grateful for, but here's a few:

* FontConfig
* FriBidi
* Harfbuzz
* LibICU
* Haskell
* XML Conduit
* http-client-tls
* Haskell CSS Syntax
* Rasterific SVG
* Juicy Pixels
* Mesa3D
* Cryptonite
* eSpeak NG
* nginx
* Maddy
* Snikket/Prosody
* SourceHut
* Voice2JSON

Without these it'd be a lot harder to develop the !

#iLoveFreeSoftware #argonautstack

Last updated 1 year ago

John Goerzen · @jgoerzen
714 followers · 2224 posts · Server

Yes, ! So hard to pick a few to thank.

@debian For more than 25 years, has been a community-run distro. For all its warts, I love that it still is, and still maintains its stringent Free Software criteria.

. My mail reader, editor, and organizer. I've written code, personal letters, journals, even browsed in Emacs.

. Freeing me from having to be online all the time.

#NNCP #gopher #Emacs #Linux #Debian #iLoveFreeSoftware #iLoveFS

Last updated 3 years ago