If you're looking for a nice and customizable MagSafe dock for the new #ios15 landscape display mode, check out this 3D printable one: https://www.printables.com/model/521609-magsafe-charging-stand
It's by far the best I've ever used
Ars Technica: Apple fixes 0-day kernel and WebKit security flaws in iOS, macOS, watchOS, and more https://arstechnica.com/?p=1949473 #Tech #arstechnica #IT #Technology #applesecurityupdates #securityupdate #macosVentura #Security #macOS11 #macOS12 #macOS13 #Apple #iOS15 #iOS16 #MacOS #Tech #iOS
#Tech #arstechnica #it #technology #applesecurityupdates #securityupdate #macOSVentura #security #macos11 #macos12 #macOS13 #apple #iOS15 #ios16 #macos #iOS
Microsoft (& Apple) Patch Tuesday, April 2023 Edition https://krebsonsecurity.com/2023/04/microsoft-apple-patch-tuesday-april-2023-edition/ #WindowsCommonLogSystemFileSystem #TrendMicroZeroDayInitiative #macOS12.6.5and11.7.6. #Nokoyawaransomware #iOS/iPadOS16.4.1 #TheComingStorm #CVE-2022-37969 #CVE-2023-28219 #CVE-2023-28220 #CVE-2023-28252 #SecurityTools #DBAPPSecurity #DustinChilds #TimetoPatch #BharatJogi #iOS15.5.7 #Mandiant #Qualys
#windowscommonlogsystemfilesystem #TrendMicroZeroDayInitiative #macOS12 #nokoyawaransomware #ios #TheComingStorm #CVE #SecurityTools #dbappsecurity #DustinChilds #TimetoPatch #bharatjogi #iOS15 #mandiant #Qualys
Perché sul mio iPhone/iPad non riesco a disinstallare le app?
#iPhone #iPad #Apple #applicazioni #iOS15 #iOS16 #disinstallazione
#iphone #ipad #apple #applicazioni #iOS15 #iOS16 #disinstallazione
Perché sul mio iPhone/iPad non riesco a disinstallare le app?
#iPhone #iPad #Apple #applicazioni #iOS15 #iOS16 #disinstallazione
#iphone #ipad #apple #applicazioni #iOS15 #iOS16 #disinstallazione
😄Forse non sai come sia possibile migliorare Safari da iOS 15. Ecco come fare. Link: https://whatstech.it/come-utilizzare-safari-su-iphone-ios-15/ #iOS15 #safaribrowser #apple
書きました! / Apple、iOS 15.7.3 と iPadOS 15.7.3 と iOS 12.5.7 のへのアップデートを開始 - ジャンクお宝鑑定団
#Update #iOS12 #iOS15 #iPadOS15 #Apple
#apple #iPadOS15 #iOS15 #ios12 #update
Guten Morgen
Ich bin seit ein paar Tagen Besitzer eines #iPad 1st Gen mit mit veraltetem iOS12.2 BS. Beim Versuch auf #ios15 upzudaten kommt nur eine Fehlermeldung. Gibt es eine sinnvolle Lösung?
Der Typ ist wohl 1474. In verschiedenen Foren war ich schon, deswegen frage ich nach einer sinnvollen Lösung 😉
Make Use Of: The Coolest iOS Features We Got in 2022 https://www.makeuseof.com/coolest-ios-features-in-2022/ #Tech #MakeUseOf #TechNews #IT via @morganeogerbc #IPhone #iOS15 #iOS16 #iOS
#Tech #MakeUseOf #technews #it #iPhone #iOS15 #ios16 #iOS
Ade #iOS15: #Apple stellt Support auf neueren iPhones offenbar ein | heise online https://www.heise.de/news/Ade-iOS-15-Apple-stellt-Support-auf-neueren-iPhones-offenbar-ein-7394913.html #EndOfLife
Can we please go back to the #HomeButton and #iOS15? I can’t tell you how often I wish I could take a sledgehammer to this phone 🤢
#accessibility #iPhone #Apple
#apple #iphone #accessibility #iOS15 #homebutton
JunesiPhone Tweaks running very well on #palera1n #iOS15 #jailbreak
Tweaks: LockPlusPro , FrontPage , Hide Statusbars
Apple sends out iOS 15.7, macOS 12.6 with security updates as it releases iOS 16
#iOS15 #iOS16 #Tech
Apple releases macOS Monterey 12.5, watchOS 8.7, and iOS, iPadOS, and tvOS 15.6
#iPadOS15.6 #watchOS8.7 #iPadOS15 #watchOS8 #HomePod #iOS15.6 #watchos #iPadOS #tvOS15 #iOS15 #Tech #tvos #iOS
#iPadOS15 #watchOS8 #HomePod #iOS15 #watchOS #ipadOS #tvOS15 #tech #tvos #iOS
iOS 15.5 erschienen https://dasnetzundich.de/ios-15-5-erschienen/ #ios15.5 #Apple #apple
iOS ist langweilig, aber das muss so sein: https://geek1elf.com/ios-ist-langweilig-aber-das-muss-so-sein/ #iOS #Apple #Android #iOS15
Apple rilascia iOS 15.5 RC: poche novità e tanti bug fix | MobileWorld #Shoppinglist #AggiornamentiApple #Apple #iOS15 #Aggiornamenti #AppleWatch #Android #15maggio https://parliamodi.news/article/aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cubW9iaWxld29ybGQuaXQvYWdnaW9ybmFtZW50aS9hcHBsZS1pb3MtMTUtNS1yYy5odG1s
#15maggio #android #applewatch #aggiornamenti #iOS15 #apple #AggiornamentiApple #shoppinglist