New Colors ✨
Color up your life and discover Focus's gorgeous new custom colors and alternative app icons!
The new colors and app icons will fit in perfectly with the upcoming releases of #iOS17, #iPadOS17, #watchOS10 and #macOS #Sonoma.
#iOS17 #ipados17 #watchos10 #macos #sonoma
Which new features would you like to see most for Focus for the upcoming #iOS17, macOS #Sonoma, and #watchOS10 releases?
#iOS17 #sonoma #watchos10 #WWDC #iOS #macos #productivity
New 2023.8 version is out for #Padlok!
Now, when viewing an address details, you can use "Hey Siri, Share this!" to immediately share a link to that address seamlessly.
It also brings the NEW Airdrop experience between two iPhones running iOS 17 beta. It'll be widely available for everyone from day one this fall.
#padlok #wwdc23 #WWDC #iOS17 #indiedev
Which #iOS versions are currently installed on users' devices? We have—as every first of the month—the answer:
📱 iOS 16: 87.7%
📱 iOS 15: 11.8%
📱 iOS 14: 0.2%
📱 Other: 0.3%
Find the charts with the time course, the first numbers on #iOS17, and some background information on the bug fix release iOS 16.3.1 in our blog.