RT @StemCellsJournl
This concise review summarizes the current knowledge of human #lung development, highlighting recent advances in the understanding of airway stem cell biology. https://doi.org/10.1093/stmcls/sxac074
#iPSCs #airway #epithelialcells
#Lung #iPSCs #airway #epithelialcells
RT @nika_shakiba
🚨 Check out our new preprint!
Super excited to see this go over the finish line, thanks to a collaborative effort 📢 Katherine & Trevor!
Tl;dr: #SynBio genetic circuits 🧬 + reprogramming to #iPSCs 🧫= robust cell fate control
See thread for the story!
RT @nika_shakiba@twitter.com
🚨 Check out our new preprint!
Super excited to see this go over the finish line, thanks to a collaborative effort 📢 Katherine & Trevor!
Tl;dr: #SynBio genetic circuits 🧬 + reprogramming to #iPSCs 🧫= robust cell fate control
See thread for the story!
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/nika_shakiba/status/1619121224487174144
#ALT (not #telomerase) repairs damaged telomeres in #iPSCs… 😳 This finding comes in a sequences of others recognizing different
rules for #DNAdamage detection, #checkpoint activation and even #DNA repair in undifferentiated cells. 🧬👍
“Our findings suggest a previously unappreciated role for ALT in telomere maintenance in telomerase-positive iPSCs and reveal distinct iPSC-specific responses to targeted telomeric damage.” https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2023.01.19.524780v1
#alt #telomerase #iPSCs #DNAdamage #checkpoint #dna
Dear people interested in #organoids #Tcells #Macrophages #Bcells #DendriticCells #MucosalImmunology #microbiome #OrganOnChip #MicroPhysiologicalSystems #IBD #CeliacDisease #iPSCs,
where are you? I want to follow you!
Best regards,
#organoids #tcells #macrophages #bcells #dendriticcells #MucosalImmunology #microbiome #OrganOnChip #MicroPhysiologicalSystems #ibd #celiacdisease #iPSCs
Welcome to my genomics communities and all other science nerds! 🧬🔬🩺 Greetings from beautiful Innsbruck, where I had the most fabulous time discussing #genomics #praderwillisyndrome #schaafyangsyndrome #mTORsignalling #iPSCs and #raredisease. Oh, and great skiing, too! ⛷️🚠🏔️
#genomics #praderwillisyndrome #schaafyangsyndrome #mtorsignalling #iPSCs #raredisease
....the PhD is on #Autophagy #Neurodegeneration #IntegratedStressResponse #iPSCs #Neuroinflammation #Astrocytes #Microglia
#autophagy #iPSCs #Astrocytes #Neurodegeneration #IntegratedStressResponse #neuroinflammation #Microglia
For finding and connecting with scientists an #introduction may be convenient:
I’m a PhD candidate at the dept of Genetics of the University Medical Center Groningen/University of Groningen, the Netherlands.
Im interested in the intestinal mucosa and to establish an advanced model of the small intestine. For this I use #iPSCs, #organoids, patient’s cells and #organ-on-chip technology. With this I research #celiacdisease and how the auto-inflammatory response in the small intestine manifests.
#organ #celiacdisease #iPSCs #introduction #organoids