📱💻 Finer Tech #Newsletter ⌚️📺 #iOS14 Edition is out!
Custom widget stacks, Messages learns new tricks, AirPods auto-switch, and more: http://newsletter.finertech.com/archive/272850 #iPadOS14
Sat morning will be a jumbo edition of the Finder Tech Newsletter focused on lots of helpful #iOS14 and #iPadOS14 features, some you may not see elsewhere.
Subscribe for free and check out past issues: http://newsletter.finertech.com
RT @JamesRath@twitter.com
Coming in #iOS14 / #iPadOS14 - VoiceOver Recognition: Using machine learning, VoiceOver will be able to try and make inaccessible apps and webpages accessible to the user. This extends to image descriptions, text within images, and input controls like buttons. #a11y #WWDC20
#iOS14 #iPadOS14 #a11y #WWDC20