La astronomía en el antiguo Egipto desde una perspectiva cultural La editorial Springer publica el libro «La astronomía del Egipto antiguo: una perspectiva cultural» del investigador del Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias (IAC) Juan Antonio Belmonte y el egiptólogo de la Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona (UAB) José Lull. La obra analiza y sintetiza el conjunto de investigaciones de los últimos dos siglos en torno a la cosmogonía y la cosmovisión del Egipto antiguo junto a investigaciones de rabiosa actualidad.
La astronomía fue un elemento clave de la cultura egipcia y constituyó una de las herramientas más poderosas de la que se sirvió esta civilización en su búsqueda de la Maat, el equilibrio y la armonía cósmicos. Los antiguos egipcios catalogaron estrellas, hicieron un preciso seguimiento de los movimientos del Sol y de la Luna, idearon constelaciones a partir de grupos de estrellas, elaboraron un calendario de 365 días, etc.
Sintetizar y analizar el corpus internacional de investigaciones de los últimos dos siglos, con especial incidencia en las últimas tres décadas, en torno al conocimiento astronómico de esta antigua cultura es el objetivo principal del libro Astronomy in ancient Egypt: a cultural perspective que acaba de publicar la prestigiosa editorial Springer, en el marco de su serie sobre «Astronomía Histórica y Cultural».
#arqueoastronomia #historia #arqueologia #astrofisica #astronomia #libros #antiguoegipto #ciencia #iac
#antiguoegipto #iac #ciencia #arqueoastronomia #historia #arqueologia #astrofisica #astronomia #libros
Gizmodo: Adds AI-Related Words That 'Marked a Tipping Point for Mainstream Awareness' #promptengineering #dictionarycom #humaninterest #dictionary #iac
#promptengineering #dictionarycom #humaninterest #dictionary #iac
Pundits seem bullish on @opentforg & down on @HashiCorp. Hard disagree from @Sageable. We talked w/ both sides & our Market Brief has balance & nuance.
LMK if you need access.
#terraform #cloudnative #iac #opensource #oss #foss #opentf
Read my analysis in @Sageable Market Brief: "@HashiCorp Adopts Business Source License to Maintain Leadership & Opportunity"
Free for clients, but LMK if you want a copy!
#Terraform #CloudNative #IaC #OpenSource #OSS #FOSS #OpenTF @opentforg
#terraform #cloudnative #iac #opensource #oss #foss #opentf
Highlight of #CivoNavigate day 1 was probably chatting to Kelsey Hightower about Infrastructure as Code and where he sees it going in the future. Great guy, great insights
#civonavigate #devops #civonavigationeurope #iac
#OpenTF fork code is finally public. it's *pre-alpha*, but already has 465 stars, 13 forks and most importantly, 14 contributors. and MPL!
Note the disclaimer: it might put you in violation of the #Terraform Registry ToS, if that's where you fetch your providers or modules from.
#opensource #IaC
#opentf #terraform #opensource #iac
"Market Brief - @HashiCorp Adopts Business Source License to Maintain Leadership & Opportunity"
Free for @Sageable clients
LMK if you want access!
#Terraform #CloudNative #IaC #OpenSource #OSS #FOSS #OpenTF @opentforg
#terraform #cloudnative #iac #opensource #oss #foss #opentf
Mein Ansible Script erzeugt 6 VM's welche via iPXE boot starten und voll automatisch einen OpenShift (k8s) Cluster mit 3 Mastern & 2 Workern installieren... make eingeben, 40 Minuten warten und ferddisch :) Danke für diese Anleitung: OpenShift 4 Bare Metal Install - User Provisioned Infrastructure (UPI) #openshift #kubernetes #proxmox #ansible #autmation #iac #upi #baremetal
#baremetal #upi #iac #autmation #ansible #proxmox #kubernetes #openshift
Don't forget to update and reopen your favorite Terraform issues when the fork is available 😉
#OpenTF #terraform #iac
We’re happy to announce our next speaker Valeriia Ivanova, DevOps Team Lead at Plarium 👾
In her speech #DevOps in #GameDev Valeriia will talk about #CI/CD, #IaC and Security in GameDev, but also share her huge love and inspiration about games. Isn’t it exciting?
Register now 👈
We’re happy to announce our next speaker Valeriia Ivanova, DevOps Team Lead at
Plarium. 👾In her speech #DevOps in #GameDev Valeriia will talk about #CI/CD, #IaC and Security in GameDev, but also share her huge love and inspiration about games. Isn’t it exciting? Register now 👈🏻
"@OpenTF begins @HashiCorp #Terraform fork, pledges donation"
Stirring development (no pun intended) in this ongoing #Cloud #DevOps #IaC vendor drama.
Great 'scoop' w/ spot-on interviews & commentary by @PariseauTT.
#terraform #cloud #devops #iac
‘I Was Shadowbanned:’ How Hinge's Algorithm Decides Who You Date
#ycombinator #Hinge #Pancake #Joe #Amazon #Ignancio_Rios #Online_dating #Netflix #Liesel_Sharabi #Tinder #Grindr #tinder #MATCH_COM #Pancake_Mouse #Dating_app #Damona_Hoffman #Geosocial_networking #Anthony #Caitlyn #Match_Group #IAC #Plenty_of_Fish #Online_dating_applications #Bumble #OkCupid #Mouse #Eve_Tilley_Coulson #Gizmodo
#ycombinator #hinge #pancake #joe #amazon #ignancio_rios #online_dating #netflix #liesel_sharabi #tinder #grindr #match_com #pancake_mouse #dating_app #damona_hoffman #geosocial_networking #anthony #caitlyn #match_group #iac #plenty_of_fish #online_dating_applications #bumble #okcupid #mouse #eve_tilley_coulson #gizmodo
Gizmodo: ‘I Was Shadowbanned:’ How Hinge's Algorithm Decides Who You Date #onlinedatingapplications #geosocialnetworking #evetilleycoulson #lieselsharabi #damonahoffman #ignanciorios #onlinedating #pancakemouse #plentyoffish #matchgroup #datingapp #matchcom #pancake #netflix #anthony #caitlyn #okcupid #amazon #tinder #grindr #bumble #hinge #mouse #joe #iac
#onlinedatingapplications #geosocialnetworking #evetilleycoulson #lieselsharabi #damonahoffman #ignanciorios #onlinedating #pancakemouse #plentyoffish #matchgroup #datingapp #matchcom #pancake #netflix #anthony #caitlyn #okcupid #amazon #tinder #grindr #bumble #hinge #mouse #joe #iac
The #Bicep extension for #VSCode now has a deployment pane to instantly deploy or validate your #IAC
Hi all! This is a different kind of announcement:) Today we published the OpenTF Manifesto. You can find it here: We all know what happened a few days ago with licenses change. A lot of us is impacted, that way or another. We believe it shouldn't be that way. Of course, Hashi has its rights to secure their profit, but in my opinion TF is more than just a product. That is why I call everyone who is interested, to support the cause! #devops #community #opensource #iac
#devops #Community #opensource #iac
#DevOpsDaysUkraine: Disaster Recovery is coming on Sep 14-15th ⚙️
Ready for hot discussions about Self-Service Tooling, Future of #Platforms, #CI/CD #IaC for #GameDev, delivering despite times, #Migration to the #Cloud and more?
On the live fireside chat, you can ask questions to the founder of DevOpsDays, @patrickdebois
And finally #onlinenetworking on #Open-Spaces with like-minded experts from around the world 🤩
Check out & register 👀
Can't wait to see y'all!
#devopsdaysukraine #platforms #ci #iac #gamedev #migration #cloud #onlinenetworking #open
Hey! #DevOpsDaysUkraine: Disaster Recovery is coming on Sep 14-15th ⚙️
Ready for hot discussions about Self-Service Tooling, Future of #Platforms, #CI/CD #IaC for #GameDev, delivering despite times, #Migration to the #Cloud and more?
On the live fireside chat, you can ask questions to the founder of DevOpsDays, @patrickdebois And finally #onlinenetworking on #Open-Spaces with like-minded experts from around the world 🤩
Check out & register 👀
Can't wait to see y'all!
#devopsdaysukraine #platforms #ci #iac #gamedev #migration #cloud #onlinenetworking #open
Hm... #terraform #IaC
#HashiCorp adopts Business Source License
>HashiCorp adopts the Business Source License to ensure continued investment in its community and to continue providing open, freely available products.