The answer magically appeared on the #iacr event calendar:
Public Key Cryptography (PKC 2024) PKC
Sydney, Australia
Event: Apr 15 - Apr 17, 2024
Submission deadline: 1 October 2023
Notification date: 15 December 2023
Happy #IACR Crypto 2023 deadline you all !
And merry bidding phase to all the committee members !!
H. Böck, "Fermat Factorization in the Wild"¹
We are applying Fermat’s factorization algorithm to sets of public RSA keys. Fermat’s factorization allows efficiently calculating the prime factors of a composite number if the difference between the two primes is small. Knowledge of the prime factors of an RSA public key allows efficiently calculating the private key. A flawed RSA key generation function that produces close primes can therefore be attacked with Fermat’s factorization.
We discovered a small number of vulnerable devices that generate such flawed RSA keys in the wild. These affect devices from two printer vendors - Canon and Fuji Xerox. Both use an underlying cryptographic module by Rambus.
#IACR #ResearchPapers #FermatFactorisation #Canon #FujiXerox #RambusCryptographicModule
#iacr #researchpapers #FermatFactorisation #canon #FujiXerox #RambusCryptographicModule
A. Vadapalli et al., "Duoram: A Bandwidth-Efficient Distributed ORAM for 2- and 3-Party Computation"¹
We design, analyze, and implement Duoram, a fast and bandwidth-efficient distributed ORAM protocol suitable for secure 2- and 3-party computation settings. Following Doerner and shelat's Floram construction (CCS 2017), Duoram leverages (2,2)-distributed point functions (DPFs) to represent PIR and PIR-writing queries compactly—but with a host of innovations that yield massive asymptotic reductions in communication cost and notable speedups in practice, even for modestly sized instances. Specifically, Duoram introduces a novel method for evaluating dot products of certain secret-shared vectors using communication that is only logarithmic in the vector length. As a result, for memories with n addressable locations, Duoram can perform a sequence of m arbitrarily interleaved reads and writes using just O(m lg n) words of communication, compared with Floram's O(m n) words. Moreover, most of this work can occur during a data-independent preprocessing phase, leaving just O (m) words of online communication cost for the sequence—i.e., a constant online communication cost per memory access.
#IACR #ResearchPapers #ORAM #ObliviousRAM
#iacr #researchpapers #oram #ObliviousRAM
A. Vadapalli et al., "Duoram: A Bandwidth-Efficient Distributed ORAM for 2- and 3-Party Computation"¹
We design, analyze, and implement Duoram, a fast and bandwidth-efficient distributed ORAM protocol suitable for secure 2- and 3-party computation settings. Following Doerner and shelat's Floram construction (CCS 2017), Duoram leverages (2,2)-distributed point functions (DPFs) to represent PIR and PIR-writing queries compactly—but with a host of innovations that yield massive asymptotic reductions in communication cost and notable speedups in practice, even for modestly sized instances. Specifically, Duoram introduces a novel method for evaluating dot products of certain secret-shared vectors using communication that is only logarithmic in the vector length. As a result, for memories with n addressable locations, Duoram can perform a sequence of m arbitrarily interleaved reads and writes using just O(m lg n) words of communication, compared with Floram's O(m n) words. Moreover, most of this work can occur during a data-independent preprocessing phase, leaving just O (m) words of online communication cost for the sequence—i.e., a constant online communication cost per memory access.
#IACR #ResearchPapers #ORAM #ObliviousRAM
#iacr #researchpapers #oram #ObliviousRAM
RT @EngageCR
New paper in J of #CriticalRealism by Ingrid Schudel: 'A critical realist (re-)envisaging of emancipatory research, science and practice' - introduction to a special issue with papers from last year's #IACR conference.
This has definitely been an incredibly engaging paper. Here’s my most annotated page.
The padding solution described is certainly easy to use for schemes that support it, but the generic solution is creative and stimulating.
The paper is “How to Abuse and Fix Authenticated Encryption Without Key Commitment” #cryptography #science #iacr
Michel Abdalla est professeur-attaché à l’ENS, Directeur de Recherche au #CNRS et Président du conseil d'administration de l’ #IACR (International Association for Cryptologic Research):
La validation formelle du protocole #Olvid a été rendu sous forme d'un rapport (2020): "Security Analysis of Olvid's SAS-based Trust Establishment Protocol."