🆕 Actividad empresarial
Ya disponible en nuestra web la información del año 2022 relativa al número de licencias del IAE en Asturias según epígrafes y concejos.
#asturias #estadistica #empresa #iae
The global energy crisis has triggered unprecedented momentum behind renewables, with the world set to add as much renewable power in the next 5 years as it did in the past 20.
The report sees emerging signs of diversification in global PV supply chains. While China remains the dominant player, its share in global manufacturing capacity could decrease from 90% today to 75% by 2027. #iae #climatechange #renewablesenergy
#iae #climatechange #renewablesenergy
#StarCitizen #Best in Show
with a #Railgun. You can buy here in Game the Weapons right now #IAE 2952
#starcitizen #best #railgun #iae
This year's #IAE #BiS (Best in Show) color is very lovely. A slightly darker, metallic red. Last year's BiS paint was blue , which is what my #MSR (Mercury Star Runner) is in. I might want to trade "up" to this color though.
I think I was able to see every manufacturer's presentation this year, something I hadn't done before. I also took the opportunity to fly around or do a quick mission if I had the chance, which was a lot of fun.
#iae #bis #msr #starcitizen #intergalacticaerospaceexpo
I'm trying to get a bit better at flying, as I genuinely suck at it. It's been a lot of fun as I slowly get a bit more comfortable with flying -- and the joysticks I got for this game.
Remembering which button does what is always the challenge. Even with a gamepad that has relatively few buttons. So I still keep forgetting which of the 5 million buttons these things have does what.
But it's a lot of fun, and when flying slowly, I'm almost half-decent.
#starcitizen #iae #drakecutter
Tip an alle die schon immer ihr Star Citizen Game-Package mit LTI haben wollten..: Jetzt ist die Gelegenheit. Es gibt für begrenzte Zeit das Cutter IAE Starter Pack. Dieses hat LTI. Das ist selten, das letzte mal gab es das vor zwei Jahren. Damals war es die Nomad. Das bestehende Starter Pack könnte man einschmelzen und dann die Cutter im neuen auf das Schiff upgraden was man eigentlich im Pack haben möchte.
#starcitizen #cig #robertsspaceindustries #iae
#starcitizen #cig #RobertsSpaceIndustries #iae
Tip an alle die schon immer ihr Star Citizen Game-Package mit LTI haben wollten..: Jetzt ist die Gelegenheit. Es gibt für begrenzte Zeit das Cutter IAE Starter Pack. Dieses hat LTI. Das ist selten, das letzte mal gab es das vor zwei Jahren. Damals war es die Nomad. Das bestehende Starter Pack könnte man einschmelzen und dann die Cutter im neuen auf das Schiff upgraden was man eigentlich im Pack haben möchte.
#starcitizen #cig #robertsspaceindustries #iae
#starcitizen #cig #RobertsSpaceIndustries #iae
Freefly-Events machen die Server oft etwas instabil durch viele neue Spieler. Ausserdem ist im Hintergrund der 3.18 PTU aktiv, das erzeugt auch Lags und Instabilitäten.
Unsichtbare Wand = noch nicht geladenes Objekt.
Die 3.17 ist im Grunde ein sehr stabiler Patch, nur merkt man es gerade nicht... siehe oben. 😎
#starcitizen #cig #robertsspaceindustries #iae #stanton
#starcitizen #iae #cig #RobertsSpaceIndustries #stanton
Waiting for the Alien Ships day (next monday)!!!
I'm about to start my Saturday night with a trip to the Intergalactic Aerospace Expo on New Babbage, where I'll rent an Origin 400i. A ship that I really want to own one day.
Love this commercial from the community hub. This is awesome.
Intergalactic Aerospace Expo is once again upon us in #StarCitizen - play the game for free until the end of November. Hope to see you in the verse!
The new Drake Cutter from #StarCitizen really makes me think that they'll have to completely revamp the other starter-ships in the game... And by revamp, I mean totaly rethink how they will function gameplay-wise with gameplay loops, AND update the assets ofc. #Gaming #SciFi #IAE #Drake
Image by Cloud Imperium, Cloud Imperium IP, https://starcitizen.tools/index.php?curid=49160
#starcitizen #gaming #scifi #iae #drake