ICAO: #AB1968
Flt: #N814ND #ASH-#IAG
First seen: 2023/09/05 14:35:36
Min Alt: 1100 ft MSL
Min Dist: 1.3 nm
#planefence #adsb - https://planefence.com
#ab1968 #n814nd #ash #iag #planefence #adsb
Inteligencia Artificial: ¿Amigo o enemigo de la universidad?
Descubre cómo las inteligencias artificiales están cambiando la forma de hacer trabajos universitarios. Aprende las mejores prácticas y los riesgos éticos que todo estudiante debe conocer para aprovechar la IA de forma efectiva y ética."
#Alumnos #Comunicacin #IA #IAG
#iag #ia #comunicacin #alumnos
In the picture from my last toot you could also see our new "Sky Quality Meter" in the lower right corner, temporarily attached to the GPS receiver. It measures the brightness of the sky (in mag per arcsec^2, larger value = darker) over the whole night, in this plot for last night. Seems that we get a sky as dark as ~20mag/arcsec^2 in summer. I find this value pretty good for being so close to the city. As a comparison, the sky on Paranal is "only" about 2-3 mags darker. #unigoettingen #iag
Trying to flat-field our all-sky camera on the roof of the #IAG. The half-dome is painted white on the inside and covered in aluminum foil from the outside. Within is a LED strip to illuminate it. The idea is to get a "flat" image which we can use to remove scratches, dust, vignetting, etc from the images.
Telescopes need to move, and so (at least nowadays) they need motors to do that. This is the right ascension drive at the 50cm telescope on the roof of the #IAG together with a digital encoder (bottom) and a transmission (almost top). The box at the top actually translates the rotation of the motor into rotation of the telescope axis. I had to check all this, since we're thinking about replacing all of it. #unigoettingen #astronomy
#astronomy #unigoettingen #iag
What is the most important thing an observing astronomer needs to know? Correct, the weather! At the #IAG we had a broken wind sensor, so I took it to the manufacturer, Lambrecht meteo. They repaired it, and yesterday it was reinstalled on our roof. Here it is, working perfectly, as it has for the last 30 or so years. #unigoettingen #astronomy
#astronomy #unigoettingen #iag
Remote works 🏡💻
Homeoffice macht glücklich. In einer Statista-Umfrage gaben 80% der Befragten positive Auswirkungen auf die Flexibilität im Alltag an. 69% attestierten der Arbeitsform positive Effekte im Bereich Work-Life Balance. Aber macht das Arbeiten zuhause auch tüchtig? Bei der gleichen Befragung gaben 65% an, dass es sich positiv auf die Produktivität auswirke. Unsere Erfahrungen bestätigen die Statistik.
#IAM #WirLebenLoesungen #Java #SQL #LDAP #Identity #IAG #Access #Management
#iam #wirlebenloesungen #Java #sql #LDAP #identity #iag #access #management
Inteligencia Artificial Generativa en Canal Málaga
Entrevista sobre Inteligencia Artificial Generativa y su impacto en la sociedad, comunicación y educación, en el programa Málaga al día de Canal Málaga RTV, durante el Digital Enterprise Show #DES2023 en Málaga.
#Cibercultura #Comunicacin #Podcast #Egoteca #IAG #InteligenciaArtificial #PeriodismoDigital
#periodismodigital #inteligenciaartificial #iag #egoteca #podcast #comunicacin #cibercultura #des2023
ICAO: AB3117
Flt: KFS42 #KalittaCharters #CVG-#IAG
First seen: 2023/05/02 15:12:57
Min Alt: 2432 ft AGL
Min Dist: 10.85 mi
Planefence by kx1t - docker:kx1t/planefence
ICAO: A36980
Flt: AAY1002 #AllegiantAir #PIE-#IAG
First seen: 2023/03/23 15:00:33
Min Alt: 2768 ft AGL
Min Dist: 0.6 mi
Planefence by kx1t - docker:kx1t/planefence
Adversary-in-the-middle (AiTM) phishing is capable of circumventing multifactor authentication (MFA) through reverse-proxy functionality.
Dig into an example of a real-life attack and explore how to mitigate these types of attacks.
#AiTM #mfa #2fa #multifactorauthentication #azure #azuread #azureactivedirectory #defender #xdr #microsoft365defender #microsoft #microsoftsecurity #microsoft365 #conditionalaccess #antiphishing #sentinel #microsoftsentinel #identity #identityprotection #reverseproxy #cybersecurity #iam #iag #ueba #credentialtheft #phishing #soc #securityanalyst #monitoring #risk
#AiTM #mfa #2fa #multifactorauthentication #azure #azuread #azureactivedirectory #defender #xdr #microsoft365defender #microsoft #microsoftsecurity #microsoft365 #conditionalaccess #antiphishing #sentinel #MicrosoftSentinel #identity #identityprotection #reverseproxy #cybersecurity #iam #iag #ueba #credentialtheft #phishing #soc #SecurityAnalyst #monitoring #risk
#Aerotelegraph - Übernahme fixiert: Air Europa landet doch noch bei IAG und Iberia - https://www.aerotelegraph.com/air-europa-landet-doch-noch-bei-iag-und-iberia #air_europa #Airlines #spanien #iberia #madrid #IAG #tap
#Aerotelegraph #air_europa #airlines #spanien #iberia #madrid #iag #tap
ICAO: #A299B5
First seen: 2023/02/07 10:56:49
Min Alt: 3050 ft MSL
Min Dist: 0.42 nm
Planefence by kx1t - docker:kx1t/planefence
#a299b5 #n267hh #sankaranmahesh #rme #iag
IPv6 Coming to Azure AD.
Microsoft will begin introducing IPv6 support into Azure AD services in a phased approach, starting March 31st, 2023.
#microsoft #ipv6 #azure #azure #azuread #azureactivedirectory #ipv4 #conditionalaccess #microsoftentra #identity #identityprovider #idp #iam #iag
#microsoft #ipv6 #azure #azuread #azureactivedirectory #ipv4 #conditionalaccess #MicrosoftEntra #identity #identityprovider #idp #iam #iag
First seen: 2022/12/20 10:57:24
Min Alt: 1525 ft MSL
Min Dist: 1.37 mi
#planefence #adsb - https://facebook.com/GrotonAyerBuzz
#swnyaero #iag #hfd #planefence #adsb
Qatar juga a l’atac al mercat global d’inversions https://directa.cat/qatar-juga-a-latac-al-mercat-global-dinversions/ #QatarOmvestmentAuthoity #TamimbinHamadal-Thani #FútbolClubBarcelona #ParisSaintGermain #MundialdeFutbol #QatarFoundation #Estatespanyol #QatarAirways #inversions #Volkswagen #HotelVela #Iberdrola #Colonial #ibex-35 #AFons #Ecisa #Qatar #IAG #QIA
#qataromvestmentauthoity #tamimbinhamadal #FutbolClubBarcelona #parissaintgermain #mundialdefutbol #QatarFoundation #estatespanyol #qatarairways #inversions #volkswagen #hotelvela #iberdrola #colonial #ibex #afons #ecisa #qatar #iag #qia
#IAG rechazo en zona de soporte que coincide con línea de tendencia bajista de corto-medio plazo, veremos si es para descargar indicadores o se va a visitar la M200 que ya está girándose ligeramente al alza.
#Aerotelegraph - Bericht: British-Airways-Mutter IAG will offenbar Easyjet schlucken - https://www.aerotelegraph.com/british-airways-mutter-iag-will-offenbar-easyjet-schlucken #Airlines #easyjet #vueling #europa #IAG
#Aerotelegraph #airlines #easyjet #vueling #europa #iag
#Aerotelegraph - Auftrag für Airbus: IAG deckt sich mit weiteren A320 Neo ein - https://www.aerotelegraph.com/iag-deckt-sich-mit-weiteren-a320-neo-ein #Airlines #a320_neo #a321_neo #airbus #IAG
#Aerotelegraph #airlines #a320_neo #a321_neo #airbus #iag
#Aerotelegraph - Feste Order: IAG kauft bis zu 150 Boeing 737 Max - https://www.aerotelegraph.com/iag-kauft-bis-zu-150-boeing-737-max #British_Airways #boeing_737_max #Flugzeuge #737_max #boeing #iberia #IAG
#Aerotelegraph #british_airways #boeing_737_max #flugzeuge #737_max #boeing #iberia #iag