Some iaido today before kendo! #MusoShindenRyu #iaido #kendo #kendosjk
#musoshindenryu #iaido #kendo #kendosjk
@fechtbuch #iaido on Saturday morning, #TheExpanse game on PS4 and hopefully a bit of dry weather so I can tidy up the garden
@PetraPhoenix @BethanyBlack My leaflet would be on #iaido - the Japanese art of drawing the sword, dispatching an opponent with calm efficiency, shaking the blood off and then placing the sword away. My fun fact would be that Japanese is the only language that has the term ‘Tsuji Giri’ which is to test a new sword by attacking a random passer by at a crossroads.
IAIDO-Landeslehrgang in DD
Vor gut eineinhalb Jahren haben Nicola und ich begonnen, eine zweite Kampfkunst zu trainieren. Iaido, die Kunst des Schwertziehens, hat sich inzwischen als sehr gute Ergänzung zum Karate erwiesen. Viele grundlegende Prinzipien sind gleich, es gibt aber viele weitere, die dem Vorhandensein einer langen, potentiell scharfen Klinge geschuldet se
#lehrgang #karate #iaido #gasshuku #czgasshuku
A short video from this morning’s #iaido session - very happy with the progress these three are making!
A solid #iaido lesson in a very warm dojo, working on using other senses than sight in visualisations
Home for a quick tidy in the garden, leaving a nice wild patch for no mow May!
@shannon_oshea @killingsimi hi Shannon! Another martial artist here - #iaido in my case!
1. An excellent #iaido class with great focus from all students all the way through
2. Started playing The Last of Us part II
3. Scroobius Pip live streamed DJ set on Twitch as a birthday party for a dear friend
Right, time to see if I can remember how this sword works after the Easter break! #iaido
Happy & proud that the official shirts for the 2023 Iaido National Championships featured a drawing by this DesigNerd 😉
Original design by BudoGirl for Yushinkan Iaido & Kendo and the NKR Nederlandse Kendo Renmei.
#Iaido 4th kyu. Katas I chose: mae, ukenagashi, morotetsuki. It’s the only grading where you get to choose the katas.
One to one lesson at #iaido this morning - very productive in honing some of the points they need to focus on for their next grading