Gizmodo: Foe Looks Like Sci-Fi Oscar Bait at Its Finest #starwarstheforceawakens #entertainmentculture #humaninterest #saoirseronan #aaronpierre #garthdavis #paulmescal #imaxfilms #devpatel #iainreid #amazon #oscar #films #foe #it
#starwarstheforceawakens #entertainmentculture #humaninterest #saoirseronan #aaronpierre #garthdavis #paulmescal #imaxfilms #devpatel #iainreid #amazon #oscar #films #foe #it
We Spread, by Iain Reid, on endings & memory and aging—and so much else—really floored me. Perhaps it evokes the dementia my dad struggled with before he died last month. Or maybe the novel’s strangeness is just redolent of the human condition. Either way, it’s terrifying and beautiful. None of Reid’s work has disappointed me.
#novels #iainreid #genrecrossing #books