#windowTint legislation trending. Proposed #IALeg requires a window tint to allow at least 25%t light transmittance and not exceed a luminous reflectance of 25% above the manufacturer’s AS-1 line or within the top five inches of the windshield.
Tell #IALeg NO on HF-242 (permanent DST) right now, hearing is tomorrow! Would put sunrise past 8am up to 4 months. Harms children & farmers. Find legislators here: https://www.legis.iowa.gov/legislators/find
🚨 #IALeg HF-242, permanent Daylight Saving Time, by Reps Megan Jones & Jacob Bossman, is filed & referred to State Govt Committee, chaired by Reps Jane Bloomingdale, Austin Harris, Amy Nielsen. Would delay sunrise past 8am for 4 months. Click https://www.legis.iowa.gov/legislators/find to find your legislators, tell them to oppose HF-242!