That time we went to #Berlin with @calm_owl for a #iamamiwhoami concert on #IWD2023
#iwd2023 #iamamiwhoami #Berlin
#TKZmusic últimamente estoy muy en los grupos indies rollo #FeverRay o #iamamiwhoami
#tkzmusic #feverray #iamamiwhoami
#ArielPink #AtlasSound #AllahLas #SunstackJones #BlackSubmarine #CutCopy #AtomsForPeace #DavidBowie #MyMorningJacket #HiatusKaiyote #AphexTwin #AFX #Mew #Bibio #BlackLips #SufjanStevens #FleetFoxes #ShugoTokumaru #Blur #TheChameleons #ChameleonsUK #LedZeppelin #VashtiBunyan #AmorDeDias #FutureIslands #FatherJohnMisty #JohnFahey #RichardAshcroft #Raveonettes #TheWarOnDrugs #Cornelius #TheHorrors #ShyeBenTzur #Sulk #Westkust #Air #iamamiwhoami #MyBloodyValentine #MBV
#arielpink #atlassound #allahlas #sunstackjones #blacksubmarine #cutcopy #atomsforpeace #davidbowie #mymorningjacket #hiatuskaiyote #AphexTwin #afx #mew #bibio #blacklips #sufjanstevens #fleetfoxes #shugotokumaru #blur #thechameleons #chameleonsuk #ledzeppelin #vashtibunyan #amordedias #futureislands #fatherjohnmisty #johnfahey #richardashcroft #raveonettes #thewarondrugs #cornelius #thehorrors #shyebentzur #sulk #westkust #air #iamamiwhoami #MyBloodyValentine #mbv
YAY! ionnalee (of iamamiwhoami) is back with a new single, "OPEN SEA", from her upcoming second album (due May 31st)!
(I'm totally a fanboy, yes, why do you ask? ^^)
this ship leaves in 5 days
new single OPEN SEA friday
x il
#ionnalee #iamamiwhoami #opensea
#opensea #iamamiwhoami #ionnalee