15 years ago, #IAmKloot @IAmKloot at @nouveaucasino @Paris https://www.photosconcerts.com/i-am-kloot-paris-nouveau-casino-2008-03-27-2398 #Love8 #PhotosConcerts #RobertGil
#iamkloot #love8 #photosconcerts #robertgil
#NowPlaying #TheMetalDogIsNowPlaying
Natural History (Deluxe Version Remastered)
To You
#indie #indierock #british #makesmehappyinadarkway #iamkloot
#nowplaying #themetaldogisnowplaying #iamkloot #indie #indierock #british #makesmehappyinadarkway
#nowplaying #IAmKloot #NaturalHistory amazing that this is over 20 years old. Bloody love it.
#nowplaying #iamkloot #naturalhistory
#JasonandTheScorchers, 19th Nervous Breakdown
#IAmKloot, 3 Feet Tall
#LucindaWilliams, 2 Cool 2 Be 4-Gotten
#RyanAdams, Tired Of Giving Up
#FranzFerdinand, Bite Hard
#HueyPianoSmith & The Clowns, Don't You Just Know It
#Calexico, Gift X-Change
#Spirit, 1984
#BillyJoeShaver, Sunbeam Special
#SugarStems, Run Run Rabbit
#RetirementParty, Grand Am
#retirementparty #sugarstems #billyjoeshaver #spirit #calexico #hueypianosmith #franzferdinand #RyanAdams #lucindawilliams #iamkloot #jasonandthescorchers #TheMorningLine
#PorterBlock, Breaking Free
#FairportConvention, Suzanne
#BlueAsh, Abracadabra
#IAmKloot, Stop
#AlejandroEscovido, Street Songs
#BonnieRaitt, Rollin' and Tumblin'
#DeerTick, Clownin Around
#MelodyGardot, Sweet Memory
#CottonMather, I'll Be Gone
#cottonmather #melodygardot #deertick #BonnieRaitt #alejandroescovido #iamkloot #blueash #fairportconvention #porterblock #TheMorningLine
Komplett falsche Uhrzeit für dieses Lied, aber was willst du machen, wenn es dir gerade ins Ohr fliegt?
I Am Kloot - Hold Back The Night
#musik #rock #indie #SongdesTages #iamkloot