I just added The Emma and Jake Wedding Poop Song and 5 other new albums by
to the official Song Search. Check it out and search for your name today! https://herchen.com/motern-media-song-search/?sword=wedding+poop #IAmNotWastingMyLife
@joshthetechie Got my first body by King's Hall yesterday! Only bad part is Dublin is in the BOTTOM RIGHT of the entire map. I'm gonna have to carry everyone all the way there each time lol. But it's only 3k and there's only 10 members. #AssassinsCreedValhalla
#WrathOfTheDruids #IAmNotWastingMyLife
#iamnotwastingmylife #assassinscreedvalhalla #wrathofthedruids
There's a #NewMastodonServer in town! Check out https://motern.media !!! Josh @joshthetechie and I got it set up yesterday and I moved my account over from mastodon.world to motern.media this morning. #NewServer #introduction #joinus #oneofus #IAmNotWastingMyLife #MoternMedia #MattFarley #TechGuys #Linode
#newmastodonserver #newserver #introduction #joinus #oneofus #iamnotwastingmylife #moternmedia #mattfarley #techguys #linode