Fucking #PhysicalTherapy taedae. #Injury #BrokenBones #IAmVeryBroken
#iamverybroken #brokenbones #injury #physicaltherapy
Nope. The arrows go right thru and then I get sucked in, after which I freak oot. Mah monsters scream intae mah ears that I donnae deserve this person and I must protect them frae meh. In response I will sabotage what'er emotions arise and fucking RUN. #Love #Relationships #SelfSabotage #IAmVeryBroken #KeepYourDIstance
#KeepYourDistance #iamverybroken #SelfSabotage #relationships #love
My Pantosmia hae been relentless fur the past few day. #Phantosmia #OlfactoryHallucinations #Neurodivergent #MentalHealth #IAmVeryBroken
#iamverybroken #mentalhealth #neurodivergent #olfactoryhallucinations #Phantosmia
Just a wee ring I bought fur mahsel. Nothing astonishing, just trying in tiny ways tae be attractive, or at least part of meh. The whole is simply too tragic tae polish up. #jewelry #baubles #me #ICryOften #IAmVeryBroken
#iamverybroken #icryoften #me #baubles #jewelry
I've never known #joy or lasting #happiness. What passes for that in my brain is distraction, amusement, and at best a lack of impact...neutral. Before you call me #emo or dramatic, I hae a very broke brain and suffer several mental illnesses. Anyone else oot there like me? I fucking hope nae. #MentalHealth #MajorDepressiveDisorderRecurrent #Dysthymia, #PTSD, #OCPD #SuicidalIdeations, #SevereSelfLoathig. #IAmVeryBroken #YouCanNotHelp
#youcannothelp #iamverybroken #severeselfloathig #suicidalideations #ocpd #ptsd #Dysthymia #majordepressivedisorderrecurrent #mentalhealth #emo #happiness #joy
I think I finally got it thru mah #Psychiatrist heid that my #SuicidalIDeations and extreme #SelfHatred innae gaen anywhere, hence untreatable. I want tae attempt tae enjoy life whatever that means, but I will always want suicide as an option. I think she finally gets it. #MajorDepressiveDisorderRecurrent, #Dysthymia #OCPD #PTSD #Neurodivergent #IAmVeryBroken #YouShouldReallyRun
#youshouldreallyrun #iamverybroken #neurodivergent #ptsd #ocpd #Dysthymia #majordepressivedisorderrecurrent #selfhatred #suicidalideations #psychiatrist
I am #Genderfluid. Every time I say that i ahm #Trans, or wear something with those colours, I a gripped with #ImposterSyndrome. Maybe I just shudnae. #IAmVeryBroken
#iamverybroken #impostersyndrome #Trans #genderfluid
FUCK...Ah miss Layne Staley so much. Ah miss Mike Starr, Chris Cornell, and Kurt Cobain. When the tide, hour, and moon is right, ahl come a'lookin fur ye. All artwork by Shawn Coss #MajorDepressiveDisorderRecurrent #Dyshymia #OCPD #SuicidalIdeations #IAmVeryBroken #LetMeGo
#letmego #iamverybroken #suicidalideations #ocpd #dyshymia #majordepressivedisorderrecurrent
Ach, 988 might be a thing taenite. #IAmVeryBroken #SuicidalIdeations #MajorDepressiveDisorder #Dysthymia
#Dysthymia #majordepressivedisorder #suicidalideations #iamverybroken
I want a partner. I want tae #date. I suffer frae #SelfHatred so even if there WAS an attraction, I would sabotage it. My monsters do this tae protect the other person. This is the joys of #MDD and #Dysthemia with a lovely dose of crippling #OCPD. #IAmVeryBroken. The saving grace is that with my lack of desirability, none of the above is likely tae happen lol. #Depression #MentalHealth
#mentalhealth #Depression #iamverybroken #ocpd #dysthemia #mdd #selfhatred #date
I think that one of the most profound things that I've experienced with #SocialMedia is that I can now be #catfished by men and women of the entire #GlobalCommunity. #IAmVeryBroken #UglyAF
#uglyaf #iamverybroken #globalcommunity #catfished #SocialMedia
Artwork by Shawn Coss. Diagnosis are mine all mine. #MajorDepressiveDisorderRecurrent #SuicidalIdeations #Dysthymia #PTSD #OCD #SelfHatred #IAmVeryBroken
#iamverybroken #selfhatred #ocd #ptsd #Dysthymia #suicidalideations #majordepressivedisorderrecurrent
Artwork by Shawn Coss. Diagnosis are mine all mine. #MajorDepressiveDisorderRecurrent #SuicidalIdeations #Dysthymia #PTSD #OCD #SelfHatred #IAmVeryBroken
#iamverybroken #selfhatred #ocd #ptsd #Dysthymia #suicidalideations #majordepressivedisorderrecurrent
Did I mention that I also suffer frae Phantosmia, otherwise callit "Olfactory Hallucinations"? And the hits keep a' comin. #IAmVeryBroken #MyBrainIsVeryBroken
#iamverybroken #mybrainisverybroken
I really loathe where I live. Being #queer, #Genderfluid, #Polyamorous, and #Travesti dosnae work here AT ALL. Being a #foreigner and nae attractive also isnae good. Mastodon was a good experiment but I doubt I will stay much longer. Sometimes #depressed people just burn it all doon socially. #IAmVeryBroken
#queer #genderfluid #polyamorous #travesti #foreigner #depressed #iamverybroken