Reclaiming the terminology used to invoke awareness and that is now used to ridicule, would be a good use of our time before the '24 election cycle goes full on 24/7.
SJW is a good cause and a good label. I claim it, I'll strive to be called an SJW. I am also WOKE and proud of it.
#IAmAnSJW and #IAmWoke
@TomWellborn they know it's from last millennium? Like, there is being late and there is being so obsolete that you can't get over something 50 years later! #MAGACult #MAGAFascists #GQPDomesticTerrorists #GQPClownShow #IamWoke #IamANTIFA
"Get new material, go get mad at a M&M!"
#magacult #magafascists #gqpdomesticterrorists #gqpclownshow #iamwoke #iamantifa