Original toot date: 29 March, 2023
#WhoAmIWednesday - The One Who Fights Despite Adversity.
I have had a strong sense of justice for as long as I can remember. I have spoken often of my need to help others, to stand up for what I believe in, to say something when something doesn’t seem fair or right. I have often fought battles that are unpopular; animal rights and Veganism, climate action since the mid-1980’s, Indigenous rights, defending the right for Muslims to choose to wear a burqua, fighting against the proposed religious discrimination bill, speaking out against transphobia before it was cool, advocating for same-sex marriage; again before it was cool, standing up for those who have been left behind and forgotten in an ongoing pandemic the government wants us to forget about…and the list goes on.
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#adversity #equality #justice #keepgoing #staystrong #nevergiveup #neverbackdown #yougotthis #lgbt #blacklivesmatter #freedom #womensrights #transrights #disability #neurodiversity #actuallyautistic #vulnerable #animalrights #govegan #iamwoman #authentic #thisisme #WeAreBrimbank #Brimbank #eurovision
#whoamiwednesday #adversity #equality #justice #keepgoing #staystrong #nevergiveup #neverbackdown #yougotthis #lgbt #blacklivesmatter #freedom #womensrights #transrights #disability #neurodiversity #actuallyautistic #vulnerable #animalrights #govegan #iamwoman #authentic #thisisme #wearebrimbank #brimbank #eurovision
I'd never heard of Lesley Manville till now. Immediate fan.
(I was once shocked at being called "selfish" for working long hours while also studying for an MBA. I immediately cut that romantic attachment 😊 .)
"While warmth and all that is wonderful for some people, I just think, ‘Well, phew. Thank goodness.’ Because I’ve got so much else to do going from job to job. I like the uncluttered nature of my life.”
#iamwoman #clutterfree #singlehood
#WhoAmIWednesday - The One Who Fights Despite Adversity.
I have had a strong sense of justice for as long as I can remember. I have spoken often of my need to help others, to stand up for what I believe in, to say something when something doesn’t seem fair or right. I have often fought battles that are unpopular; animal rights and Veganism, climate action since the mid-1980’s, Indigenous rights, defending the right for Muslims to choose to wear a burqua, fighting against the proposed religious discrimination bill, speaking out against transphobia before it was cool, advocating for same-sex marriage; again before it was cool, standing up for those who have been left behind and forgotten in an ongoing pandemic the government wants us to forget about…and the list goes on.
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#adversity #equality #justice #keepgoing #staystrong #nevergiveup #neverbackdown #yougotthis #lgbt #blacklivesmatter #freedom #womensrights #transrights #disability #neurodiversity #actuallyautistic #vulnerable #animalrights #govegan #iamwoman #authentic #thisisme #WeAreBrimbank #Brimbank #eurovision
#whoamiwednesday #adversity #equality #justice #keepgoing #staystrong #nevergiveup #neverbackdown #yougotthis #lgbt #blacklivesmatter #freedom #womensrights #transrights #disability #neurodiversity #actuallyautistic #vulnerable #animalrights #govegan #iamwoman #authentic #thisisme #wearebrimbank #brimbank #eurovision