🔊 #NowPlaying on BBCRadio3's #InsideMusic
Henry Purcell, Emma Smith, Vince Sipprell, Ian Burdge, Laurence Durantel & Olivia Chaney:
🎵 There's not a swain
#HenryPurcell #EmmaSmith #VinceSipprell #IanBurdge #LaurenceDurantel #OliviaChaney
#nowplaying #InsideMusic #HenryPurcell #emmasmith #vincesipprell #ianburdge #laurencedurantel #oliviachaney
🔊 #NowPlaying on BBCRadio3's #InTune
Nitin Sawhney, Anoushka Shankar, Nitin Sawhney, Ian Burdge & Pirashanna Thevarajah:
🎵 River Pulse
#NitinSawhney #AnoushkaShankar #IanBurdge #PirashannaThevarajah
#nowplaying #intune #NitinSawhney #anoushkashankar #ianburdge #pirashannathevarajah
🔊 #NowPlaying on BBCRadio3's #EssentialClassics
Nitin Sawhney, Anoushka Shankar, Nitin Sawhney, Ian Burdge & Pirashanna Thevarajah:
🎵 River Pulse
#NitinSawhney #AnoushkaShankar #IanBurdge #PirashannaThevarajah
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#nowplaying #EssentialClassics #NitinSawhney #anoushkashankar #ianburdge #pirashannathevarajah #BBC3MusicBot
🔊 #NowPlaying on BBCRadio3's #ComposerOfTheWeek #COTW
Max Richter, Max Richter, Louisa Fuller, Natalia Bonner, Nick Barr, Ian Burdge & Chris Worsey:
🎵 Infra (Selected Highlights)
#MaxRichter #LouisaFuller #NataliaBonner #NickBarr #IanBurdge #ChrisWorsey
#nowplaying #ComposerOfTheWeek #cotw #maxrichter #louisafuller #nataliabonner #nickbarr #ianburdge #chrisworsey #BBC3MusicBot
🔊 #NowPlaying on BBCRadio3's #ComposerOfTheWeek #COTW
Max Richter, Louisa Fuller, Natalia Bonner, John Metcalfe, Ian Burdge & Chris Worsey:
🎵 Andante/Reflection (End Title from Waltz with Bashir)
#MaxRichter #LouisaFuller #NataliaBonner #JohnMetcalfe #IanBurdge
#nowplaying #ComposerOfTheWeek #cotw #maxrichter #louisafuller #nataliabonner #johnmetcalfe #ianburdge #BBC3MusicBot
🔊 #NowPlaying on BBCRadio3's #ComposerOfTheWeek #COTW
Max Richter, Louisa Fuller, Natalia Bonner, John Metcalfe, Ian Burdge & Chris Worsey:
🎵 What Have They Done? (from Waltz with Bashir)
#MaxRichter #LouisaFuller #NataliaBonner #JohnMetcalfe #IanBurdge #ChrisWorsey
#nowplaying #ComposerOfTheWeek #cotw #maxrichter #louisafuller #nataliabonner #johnmetcalfe #ianburdge #chrisworsey #BBC3MusicBot
🔊 #NowPlaying on BBCRadio3's #ComposerOfTheWeek #COTW
Max Richter, Louisa Fuller, Natalia Bonner, John Metcalfe, Ian Burdge & Chris Worsey:
🎵 The Haunted Ocean 1 (from Waltz with Bashir)
#MaxRichter #LouisaFuller #NataliaBonner #JohnMetcalfe #IanBurdge #ChrisWorsey
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#nowplaying #ComposerOfTheWeek #cotw #maxrichter #louisafuller #nataliabonner #johnmetcalfe #ianburdge #chrisworsey #BBC3MusicBot
🔊 #NowPlaying on BBCRadio3's #ComposerOfTheWeek #COTW
Max Richter, Max Richter, Louisa Fuller, Natalia Bonner, John Metcalfe, Ian Burdge, Chris Worsey & Robert Wyatt:
🎵 Flowers For Yulia
#MaxRichter #LouisaFuller #NataliaBonner #JohnMetcalfe #IanBurdge #ChrisWorsey
#nowplaying #ComposerOfTheWeek #cotw #maxrichter #louisafuller #nataliabonner #johnmetcalfe #ianburdge #chrisworsey #BBC3MusicBot
🔊 #NowPlaying on BBCRadio3's #ComposerOfTheWeek #COTW
Max Richter, Louisa Fuller, Natalia Bonner, Rico Costa, John Metcalfe, Ian Burdge & Chris Worsey:
🎵 Sunlight
#MaxRichter #LouisaFuller #NataliaBonner #RicoCosta #JohnMetcalfe #IanBurdge #ChrisWorsey
#nowplaying #ComposerOfTheWeek #cotw #maxrichter #louisafuller #nataliabonner #ricocosta #johnmetcalfe #ianburdge #chrisworsey #BBC3MusicBot