The teacher, translator, and poet #YuzuruKatagiri writes that Henry Higgins, the linguist in #MyFairLady, was based on a man named #HenrySweet. The real linguist had advice for teaching languages and texts: "Be dull and commonplace". Maybe sharp, exciting things can distract from the language? With textbooks its the participants in the actual classroom that have to make the learning interesting. This is probably why people still use the plain line-drawings and 350-word #EP1 from 1945, #IAR
#iar #ep1 #HenrySweet #MyFairLady #YuzuruKatagiri
> 養老: 一番怖いのは、人間には「できることをやってしまう」という、悪い癖があることです。「できることをやらない」という成熟に達することが、本当に難しい。子育てだってそう。つい手伝いたくなるけれど、親は、やらずに見守ることが大切なのです。
#養老 #養老 #ニールポストマン #テクノポリー #カミュー #Limit #Nemesis
> 佐野: 私の場合は、外部からの情報や学びを吸収したあと、自分の考えだけで反芻する時間をつくっています。自分だけのために自由に考えを書いている日記を読み返したり、瞑想したり。外部をいったん遮断して、自分がどこにいて何をしているかを客観的に捉え、流されないようにしています。
#佐野めぐみ #反芻 #イリイチ #SingingLines #TextAndUniversity #IaR #IaRichards #VacantTime is needed for learning language...
#VacantTime #iarichards #iar #TextAndUniversity #SingingLines #イリイチ #反芻 #佐野めぐみ #nemesis #limit #カミュー #テクノポリー #ニールポストマン #養老
「Nations and Peace」
1000語ぐらいの英語の単語だけを使って、世平を平和にできるシテムを考えるための本です。 「絵で見る英語」というクラシックの教科書(地味だけどクラシックだから!)や #GDM( #段階的直接法創造したリチャーズは戦争によって人類が絶滅しないようにこの本を作ったと思う。 著作権が切れただろうけど、Archive.orgで自由にダウンロードできる。UkraineやYemenなどなどの戦争を考えるために役立つかもしれない。 ロシアがやったら悪いけど、米国やフランスやイギリスなど人の港をのってとったり(ジブチと日本の海外軍基地!?!?)、人を空爆したりし て もいいことないでしょう。 あいうことだれがやってもだめだろう。
UN ---> UP
#UnitedNations ---> #UnitedPeoples
#IaRichards #IAR #UnitedWorldFederalists #ArchiveOrg
#archiveorg #UnitedWorldFederalists #iar #iarichards #UnitedPeoples #unitednations #段階的直接法創造したリチャーズは戦争によって人類が絶滅しないようにこの本を作ったと思う #gdm
The war in #Ukraine got me to read #HannahArendt on #Imperialism (the #NationStateSystem ) and pay attention to the war in #Yemen and all the #MilitaryBases in #Djibouti ... All of that brought to mind a book, in #OgdensBasicEnglish by someone who was thought to be the greatest teacher of the 20th century...
#NationsAndPeace #IARichards #IAR #UnitedWorldFederalists #ArchiveOrg
#archiveorg #UnitedWorldFederalists #iar #iarichards #NationsAndPeace #OgdensBasicEnglish #djibouti #militarybases #yemen #NationStateSystem #imperialism #hannaharendt #ukraine
> Of course, there are plenty of ... places... from which profound ideas about language may come. The work of I. A. Richards (generally) and what he says, specifically, on definition and metaphor are good introductions to language as world-maker. On definition (from his #InterpretationinTeaching )
#NeilPostman in #TheEndOfEducation about #language recommends #iar #IaRichards on #definion and #metaphor
#metaphor #definion #iarichards #iar #language #TheEndOfEducation #neilpostman #InterpretationinTeaching
> Cambridge anthropology professor Caroline Humphrey concludes, “No example of a barter economy, pure and simple, has ever been described, let alone the emergence from it of money; all available ethnography suggests that there never has been such a thing”
#EP3 #barter #money #Currency #DavidGraeber #IaR #IaRichards #EP3error #WrongMyth #CarolineHumphrey
#CarolineHumphrey #WrongMyth #EP3error #iarichards #iar #davidgraeber #currency #money #barter #ep3
> This little book is an example of the free use of Basic Eng-
> Is another step possible which would put the defense of all
countries in the hands of the PEOPLES of the earth?
> Can we make the UN into a UP— a United Peoples’ Govern-
> Can we put defense in the hands of a World Govern-
ment responsible to and representative of the PEOPLES..
#IaR #IaRichards #NationsAndPeace #UnitedPeoples #UnitedNations #BasicEnglish #CKOgden
#ckogden #basicenglish #unitednations #UnitedPeoples #NationsAndPeace #iarichards #iar
“Large numbers of people will learn English as a foreign language in the 21st century, and they will need teachers, dictionaries and grammar books. But will they continue to look towards the native speaker for authoritative norms of usage?”
#EFL #DavidGraddol #EnglishNext #NativeSpeakers #EPGDM #OgdensBasicEnglish #IaR #IaRichards #FutureOfEnglish
#FutureOfEnglish #iarichards #iar #OgdensBasicEnglish #EPGDM #NativeSpeakers #EnglishNext #DavidGraddol #efl
> Major analogies work both ways. Plato's parallel has structured both theory of government and psychology. Hosea's comparison of religion and marriage remade them both.
#Plato #Hosea #anaology #metaphor #IaR #IaRichards #SoMuchNearer page4 #quote #bookquote
#bookquote #quote #SoMuchNearer #iarichards #iar #metaphor #anaology #Hosea #plato
Racket Slideshow for English Poems.
#slideshow #DrRacket #Racket #Pict #poetry #poem #Yeats #WEBYeats #FreeSoftware #IaR #IaRichards
#slideshow #racket #iar #freesoftware #iarichards #drracket #pict #poetry #poem #yeats #webyeats