Ein paar Pünktchen verteilt.
#hamradio #IARU VHF #contest
#amateurfunk #contest #iaru #hamradio
More than 60 stations in the log for #IARU Region 1 #fieldday #fieldday2023.
Mountain sloth Stubbsi is quite upset. 🤠 #hamradio
#iaru #fieldday #fieldday2023 #hamradio
The 21st World #ARDF Championships start today. The venue is Liberec, Czech Republic. In the afternoon, there will be a model event. The first competition is on monday. #IARU https://ardf2023.cz/
Von 27. August bis 2. September 2023 findet die 21. #ARDF Weltmeisterschaft der #IARU statt. Für die Veranstaltung im tschechischen Liberec unweit der Grenze zu Sachsen werden mehr als 350 Sportler aus 29 Ländern erwartet.
Das Team des #DARC umfasst 29 Sportler in 12 Altersklassen, darunter einige starke neue Mitglieder. Die Aktiven können auf Unterstützung durch deutsche Fans hoffen.
#Fuchsjagd #Foxoring Mehr auf https://ardf.darc.de
#ardf #iaru #darc #fuchsjagd #foxoring
Due to family business (family first) and the fact that I was too lazy to get out of bed, I started rather late with the IARU HF Worldchampionships. "Borrowed" our clubcall PI4VLB, and managed 170 Q's, only CW. Only the last hour cdx were favourable enough that I could work a bunch of I4**'s on 15m to hand out some points.
The contest finished right on time before the first thunderstorm 😄
100 so far- has actually been tough going. 10m is very quiet for me- 15m has been ok, but really just 20m.
Nice to get some CX and PY tho.
Latest Episode of the ICQPodcast Released - Ham Radio 2023 Round-Up.
Free Download - https://icqpodcast.com/download-the-show/2023/7/2/icq-podcast-episode-407-ham-radio-2023-round-up
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#AmateurRadio #hamradio #hamradio2023 #ofcom #elecraft #icom #acom #qrplabs #ELAD #IARU #Arriona
#AmateurRadio #HamRadio #hamradio2023 #ofcom #elecraft #icom #acom #qrplabs #elad #iaru #arriona
The International #AmateurRadio Union or #IARU was formed in Paris OTD in 1925 https://cromwell-intl.com/radio/?s=mb #history
The International #AmateurRadio Union or #IARU was formed in Paris OTD in 1925 https://cromwell-intl.com/radio/rhombic-antennas.html?s=mb #history
The International #AmateurRadio Union or #IARU was formed in Paris OTD in 1925 https://cromwell-intl.com/radio/hfqrp.html?s=mb #history
Yeah, just steer clear. Just because you can hear TA stations doesn't mean you are not interfering with them.
Türkiye Earthquake 6/February/2023
The emergency communications group of TRAC will be involved in the response activities, primarily expected to be on VHF/UHF but they do also use 3.777 and 7.092MHz as needed. Radio Amateurs are requested to give way to any emergency traffic around those frequencies.
#emcomm #HamRadio #iaru #Turkiye #turkey #earthquake
The Philippines radio society is asking for 7095kHz to be kept as clear as possible in their area as they respond to the damage and loss of life caused by Typhoon Nalgae. This is a major contest weekend so it's a big ask but if amateurs in IARU Region 3 would keep this in mind it would be appreciated.
#hamradio #emergencycommunications #IARU
#hamradio #emergencycommunications #iaru
#sdrplay S - meter #IARU standard
#hamradio #amateurradio
RT @SDRPlay@twitter.com
People often ask us about the accuracy of S-meters and SDRs. In the case of SDRuno - it is correctly calibrated to IARU standards and maintains accuracy across the full range for RSP1, RSP1A, RSP2 and RSP2pro. This is an unusual and valuable feature vs many other receivers.
#amateurradio #hamradio #iaru #sdrplay
ITU wants to re-purpose 144-146Mhz for aeronautical! It has had no strong opposition! Get the word out!
#hamradio #save2meters #arrl #ituregion1 #iaru