Bonus Photo of the Day 8th September 2023.
13186, Lockheed C-130E Hercules, Turkish Air Force, at International Air Tatoo, RAF Fairford, 22nd July 1995.
#Fairford #FFD #IAT #InternationalAirTattoo #Lockheed #C130 #Hercules TurkishAirForce #airshow
#avgeek #aviation #planespotting #photography
#fairford #ffd #iat #internationalairtattoo #lockheed #c130 #hercules #airshow #avgeek #aviation #planespotting #photography
Bonus Photo of the Day 28th August 2023.
SE-IVF, Casa C-212-200 Aviocar, Kustbevakningen (Swedish Coast Guard), on static display at Fairford International Air Tattoo, 20th July 1996.
#Fairford #FFD #IAT #InternationalAirTattoo #Casa #C212 #Aviocar #Kustbevakningen #SwedishCoastGuard #airshow
#avgeek #aviation #planespotting #photography
#fairford #ffd #iat #internationalairtattoo #casa #c212 #aviocar #kustbevakningen #swedishcoastguard #airshow #avgeek #aviation #planespotting #photography
On This Day 24th July 1993.
G-ZAPG, Shorts SD3-60-300, Titan Airways, parked at RAF Fairford after bringing in a group of planespotters for the International Air Tattoo airshow, 24th July 1993.
Before Titan Airways had a space-based colour scheme, they had an Ancient Greek theme.
#Fairford #FFD #InternationalAirTattoo #IAT #airshow #Shorts #SD360 #Titan
#avgeek #aviation #planespotting #photography
#avgeek #aviation #planespotting #photography #fairford #ffd #internationalairtattoo #iat #airshow #shorts #sd360 #titan Riapertura #Iat Roseto, “servizio affidato ad associazione priva di competenze specifiche”
Bonus Photo of the Day 2 24th May 2023.
LX-JUL, Shorts SC-7 Skyvan 3M, Hunting Aviation, on static display at Fairford International Air Tattoo, 22nd July 1995.
#Fairford #FFD #InternationalAirTattoo #IAT #airshow #Shorts #SC7 #SkyVan #Hunting
#avgeek #aviation #planespotting #photography
#fairford #ffd #internationalairtattoo #iat #airshow #shorts #sc7 #skyvan #hunting #avgeek #aviation #planespotting #photography
IAT岩手朝日テレビ - 春の藤原まつり東下り行列 今年の義経は俳優の犬飼貴丈さん【岩手・平泉町】 #IAT
#20200416Jチャンいわてこの人に聞きたい上原康樹県議 #announcer #FemaleAnnouncers #IAT #Jチャンいわて #Vlog #アナウンサー #スーパーJチャンネルいわて #上原光紀 #上原康樹 #女性アナウンサー #岩手朝日テレビ
#20200416jチャンいわてこの人に聞きたい上原康樹県議 #announcer #FemaleAnnouncers #iat #jチャンいわて #vlog #アナウンサー #スーパーjチャンネルいわて #上原光紀 #上原康樹 #女性アナウンサー #岩手朝日テレビ
Photo of the Day 22nd February 2023: G-BVZT, Lindstrand Baloons LBL 90A, carrying the logo of Bowyers Pork Farms, taking off as part of a mass balloon flight after the Fairford International Air Tattoo, 20th July 1996.
#Fairford #FFD #IAT #InternationalAirTattoo #airshow #LindstrandBalloons #LBL90 #BowyersPorkFarms #avgeek #aviation #planespotting #photography
#fairford #ffd #iat #internationalairtattoo #airshow #lindstrandballoons #lbl90 #bowyersporkfarms #avgeek #aviation #planespotting #photography
Liebe Schüler:innen der Unter- und Oberstufe!🏫
Die Internationale Akademie Traunkirchen 🔭 veranstaltet einen Workshop zum Thema Klima.☀️
Triff die Meteorologin Elke Ludewig und hole dir eine Einblick in Ihre Arbeit bzw. frag sie, was dir schon immer am Herzen liegt.
#internationaleakademietraunkirchen #iat #elkeludewig
Ist es nicht bewundernswert, dass man einen globalen Temperaturanstieg detektieren kann und sogar die Erhöhung der Treibhausgaskonzentration als Ursache dafür identifizieren konnte?
Auf die Frage, wie das geht und warum man sich da sicher sein kann, hat mir die Internationale Akademie Traunkirchen folgendes Video empfohlen:
Zum Glück können wir etwas tun, eine weitere Erhitzung zu bremsen und schließlich einzudämmen.
Langjähriger IAT-Direktor Pfützner gestorben #Sport #IAT #Sachsen #Leipzig
Bonus Photo of the Day 2020-04-24.
378 red, Beriev Be42/A40 Albatross, Russian Air Force, at RAF Fairford International Air Tattoo, 20th July 1996.
#avgeek #planespotting #potd #fairford #ffd #egva #iat #internationalAirtattoo #airShow #beriev #be42 #albatross #russianAirForce
#russianAirForce #albatross #be42 #beriev #airshow #internationalAirTattoo #iat #egva #ffd #fairford #potd #planespotting #avgeek
Bonus Photo of the Day 2020-04-17.
SE-IVF, CASA C212-200 Aviocar, Kustbevakning (Swedish Coast Guard) on static display at RAF Fairford International Air Tattoo, 20th July 1996.
#avgeek #planespotting #potd #raf #fairford #ffd #egva #iat #internationalAirTattoo #airShow #casa #c212 #aviocar #kustbevakning #swedishCoastGuard
#swedishCoastGuard #kustbevakning #aviocar #c212 #casa #airshow #internationalAirTattoo #iat #egva #ffd #fairford #raf #potd #planespotting #avgeek