"Kolmikantaisen työrauhatyöryhmän työ päättyy jo lokakuun puolivälissä."
Työrauhatyöryhmän työ. #äidinkieli #iäti
Tracking funding to local and national responders on IATI Humanitarian Data Portal:
We've released new features to make it easier to understand progress towards localisation, and progress on traceability in
#IATI data
Great presentation by UNOCHA's @stevieflow and Jessica Jordan on #IATI and #aidData needs for #Humanitarian funding. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LK15t_cAgIo
(I wrote "say they're spending" because #IATI is self-reported, and there's no central auditing or other control. It's #federated data, just like Mastodon is federated social networking.)
Here's an example of using D-Portal and #IATI to answer the question "How much does the #UK FCDO say they're spending and foreign aid in #Ghana in 2022?" #aidData #aid http://d-portal.org/ctrack.html?country_code=GH&reporting_ref=GB-GOV-1&year_min=2022&year_max=2022#view=main
#iati #UK #Ghana #aiddata #aid
Hello to fellow #IATI community member @stevieflow (along with @rolfkleef). Is there anyone else lurking out there? #aidTransparency #aidData #openData
#iati #aidtransparency #aiddata #opendata
If you just want to explore #aid funding via #IATI, this site is easy to use: https://d-portal.org
Allow me to be the first to tag (FTT?) #IATI, the International Aid Transparency Initiative. If you care about aid transparency and #openData , start here. https://iatistandard.org #aid #xml