@ia Is there a way to see the full names of #iaWriter files in the sidebar? I've searched online and can't find anything about it.
I'd welcome the option to either truncate or show full file names, as this is an important feature in helping my manual flashcard system work in iA Writer as well as in #Obsidian.
@EpiphanicSynchronicity @reichenstein And with all due respect to @reichenstein and #iAWriter and #iAPresenter , they are phenomenal products and the standard for real writers/creators, so there's that too.:flan_shrug:
Any criticism I may seem to have of your product(s) is probably just a reflection of my lack of experience in this realm. Respectfully, I think my boost history and fan-personing of these products speaks for itself.
@EpiphanicSynchronicity @reichenstein All apologies, but perhaps I am hallucinating? I am relatively new to @drafts and don't use markdown characters all that much in my writing, so I could be completely wrong.
But I can see nicely formatted serif font characters on a deep black background and that made me happy and made me think there's WYSIWYG? That was what I wanted to see in #iAWriter and I couldn't believe that I couldn't see it. This is the Monochrome Dark theme with simple Markdown.
@EpiphanicSynchronicity Done and done. You've got my vote.
Also on the subject of #iAWriter I'm surprised there's no WYSIWYG option. @obsidian @obsidianmd @logseq @drafts and @typora have it. I'm a markdown newbie, having to see the raw form is distracting when writing. It actually makes me hesitant to keep typing wondering about my raw formatting.
Whew! Now that the hard part of moving my #blog over to #Wordpress is done, I have a #question for all the Wordpress admins out there: I'm looking for a #accessible #theme for my blog that will comply with #A11Y standards, looks good both on #desktop and #mobile screens and most importantly is #free Anyone got any #recommendations It would also help if the theme is compatible with #JetPack as I use that plugin to make it possible for #IAWriter to connect and let me publish straight to Wordpress.
#blog #wordpress #question #accessible #theme #a11y #desktop #mobile #free #recommendations #jetpack #iawriter
Except unfortunately this #IAWriter trick doesn't work for exporting to Word documents, where that layout doesn't appear to get applied. Oh well. I guess for now the quickest is just to manually do something inside Pages and export from that (I don't have Word). But it would be nice to have a proper workflow.
For the record, having left address and right address (or anything) side by side at the top of an #IAWriter document seems to be possible by downloading the letter template, though it is a bit hacky.
In that template the first and second environments get laid out side by side. So write your address, separated by newlines (3 spaces + return), then start a new paragraph, indented. The new paragraph will float at the right.
Specifically: I need a top left address and right aligned word count (preferably top-aligned with the left address), before the title. Can't see any obvious way to do that with #IAWriter short of doing a custom template.
"All right, let's write this out with #LyX."
(Typing. Done.)
"A but I need this specific format for this one thing... how the hell..."
(Many hours later)
"OK, that hack seems to kind of work. Let's render it now to RTF. Crap, that doesn't work. Ah my MacTeX is from 2017, maybe that's why..."
(Now downloading new 5.51GB #MacTeX)
Let's see how this ends. Original text was in #IAWriter but that had even less layouting features and I wasn't in the mood to learn how to do a custom template.
@ttscoff Hi Brett. I *really* like #Marked for PDF conversion and printing and I regularly recommend it to people, but I find myself using #Pandoc or #iAWriter for exporting to .docx because they convert markdown H1, H2, etc. into Word’s native heading levels.
Is it possible to add that functionality to Marked, and have you considered doing so?
@mudge I _adore_ iA Writer, and use it for 90% of my general writing. However, it doesn't currently recognize its own sister product's markup yet (e.g. iA Presenter) or work well with variants like #Markua or #GitHubFlavoredMarkdown. That sometimes forces me to switch to a very customized .vimrc so I can tweak the markup, but that's (perhaps) a nitpick.
Between #iawriter, #vim, #Marked2, and #PanDoc I get all of my #WYSIWYM writing done faster. Thanks for sharing your process!
#Markua #GithubFlavoredMarkdown #iawriter #vim #marked2 #pandoc #wysiwym
Das Entwicklerteam von #InformationArchitects ist wohl den meisten von uns aufgrund der guten Textverarbeitungs-#Software #iAWriter ein Begriff. Mit #iAPresenter hat das Unternehmen seit Ende 2022 eine Präsentations-App im #Betatest. Ab sofort kann Version 1.0.1 offiziell heruntergeladen werden.
Alle Infos: https://www.appgefahren.de/praesentations-app-ia-presenter-startet-offiziell-fuer-den-mac-335596.html
#appgefahren #Apple #AppleBlog #Mac #Produktivität #Präsentation
📸 (c) Information Architects.
#informationarchitects #software #iawriter #iAPresenter #betatest #appgefahren #Apple #appleblog #mac #produktivitat #prasentation
#PlainTextExperiment update 4:
It's going very well, I suppose, because today I forgot I was even doing it!
I can see myself using TextEdit for super focused writing from time to time. #iAWriter is much closer to #Obsidian, except for how much it struggles with previewing multiple file embeds on one page.
I'd love to know if there's a way to make links active in edit mode! And being able to preview wikilinks without leaving the current doc, would solve almost every iA frustration.
#plaintextexperiment #iawriter #obsidian