https://t.co/W4FC4QQZNk https://x.com/taka0815/status/1700352426908504313?s=51&t=JGYXUjrhTbI5q7KBeNgH1g
桜御朱印と、今月の浮世絵御朱印。#ibaraki (@ 鹿嶋神社 in 日立市, 茨城県) https://t.co/0H7QJGi2Eg https://twitter.com/taka0815/status/1689437609796538370?s=51&t=JGYXUjrhTbI5q7KBeNgH1g
"The government of #HongKong is set to impose an immediate import ban not only on #FreshFish, but other products such as frozen foods and #SeaSalt from #Fukushima, #Ibaraki and eight other prefectures if the water release goes ahead this summer, creating far-reaching effects beyond the fishing industry." #NuclearPlant #WasteWater
Fukushima water release casts shadow on anglerfish, other exports from nearby prefs. - The Mainichi
#wastewater #nuclearplant #ibaraki #fukushima #seasalt #freshfish #Hongkong
Japan’s MOST POPULAR RAFTING EXPERIENCE! (Summer rafting in Niseko Hokkaido) https://www.alojapan.com/861400/japans-most-popular-rafting-experience-summer-rafting-in-niseko-hokkaido/
#action #activities #adventure #boat #explore #ferry #fun #hirafu #Hirafuniseko #hobby #Hokkaido #Hokkaidodestinations #hokkaidotour #hokkaidotravel #hokkaidotrip #Hokkaidovacation #holiday #Ibaraki #Japan #japanhokkaido #japantrip #Japanese #Japaneseboat #nature #Niseko #outdoors #rafting #todo #Tokyo #tourism #travel #trip #vlog #北海道
#action #activities #adventure #boat #explore #ferry #fun #hirafu #hirafuniseko #hobby #hokkaido #hokkaidodestinations #hokkaidotour #hokkaidotravel #hokkaidotrip #hokkaidovacation #holiday #ibaraki #japan #japanhokkaido #japantrip #japanese #japaneseboat #nature #niseko #outdoors #rafting #todo #tokyo #tourism #travel #trip #vlog #北海道
やってくれたな 【猫・子猫・マンチカン/サイベリアン】#shorts https://www.meowmoe.com/64512/
##BGM #aichi #AKITA #aomori #chiba #fukui #fukushima #gifu #gunma #hiroshima #Hokkaido #hyogo #ibaraki #ishikawa #iwate #kanagawa #Kyoto #mie #miyagi #nagano #Nara #neko #niigata #okayama #okinawa #osaka #saitama #shiga #shimane #shizuoka #tochigi #tokushima #Tokyo #tottori #toyama #wakayama #yamagata #yamaguchi #yamanashi #サイベリアン #マンチカン #ミュージック #子猫 #小猫 #猫と聴く #短足 #音楽
#音楽 #短足 #猫と聴く #小猫 #子猫 #ミュージック #マンチカン #サイベリアン #yamanashi #yamaguchi #yamagata #wakayama #toyama #tottori #tokyo #tokushima #tochigi #shizuoka #shimane #shiga #saitama #osaka #okinawa #okayama #niigata #neko #nara #nagano #miyagi #mie #kyoto #kanagawa #iwate #ishikawa #ibaraki #hyogo #hokkaido #hiroshima #gunma #gifu #fukushima #fukui #chiba #aomori #akita #aichi #bgm #shorts
Children’s Day #japan #travel #flowers #ibaraki https://www.alojapan.com/831459/childrens-day-japan-travel-flowers-ibaraki/
#Japandestinations #Japantour #JapanTravel #japantrip #Japanvacation
#japan #travel #flowers #ibaraki #japandestinations #japantour #japantravel #japantrip #japanvacation
IBARAKI #shorts https://www.alojapan.com/823169/ibaraki-shorts/
IBARAKI / Japan #shorts #ibaraki #ibaraki #travel #Japan
#Ibaraki #Japan #karuizawa #kotakinabalu #Malaysia #Nagano #Naganodestinations #Naganotour #NaganoTravel #Naganotrip #Naganovacation #sunset #travel #trip #コタキナバル #マレーシア #日本 #絶景 #茨城 #軽井沢 #長野
#shorts #ibaraki #travel #japan #karuizawa #kotakinabalu #malaysia #nagano #naganodestinations #naganotour #naganotravel #naganotrip #naganovacation #sunset #trip #コタキナバル #マレーシア #日本 #絶景 #茨城 #軽井沢 #長野
磯山さやかの旬刊!いばらき『甘熟梨』ダイジェスト版 https://www.wacoca.com/videos/1717825/gravure-idols/
#10日 #Ibakiratv #Ibaraki #IbarakiPrefecture(JapanesePrefecture) #japan #prefecture #アンテナショップ #いばキラ #いばキラTV #いばらき #ハッスル黄門 #下妻 #下妻市 #北千住 #完熟 #梨 #甘熟梨 #磯山さやか #第2位 #糖度 #茨城 #茨城県 #観光いばらき #風味
#10日 #ibakiratv #ibaraki #ibarakiprefecture #japan #prefecture #アンテナショップ #いばキラ #いばキラtv #いばらき #ハッスル黄門 #下妻 #下妻市 #北千住 #完熟 #梨 #甘熟梨 #磯山さやか #第2位 #糖度 #茨城 #茨城県 #観光いばらき #風味
"Tourists are turning out to stroll the flower-lined grounds of Hitachi Seaside Park in Hitachinaka, #Ibaraki Prefecture..."
"70% of the 5.3 million #nemophila covering the park’s 4.2-hectare “Miharashi no Oka” (Miharashi Hill) have opened and are expected to reach full bloom this weekend, park staff said."
磯山さやかの旬刊!いばらき『北茨城』(23年12月16日放送) https://www.wacoca.com/videos/1666948/gravure-idols/
#Ibakiratv #Ibaraki #IbarakiPrefecture(JapanesePrefecture) #japan #prefecture #アンコウ #いばキラ #いばキラTV #いばらき #ちい散歩 #どぶ汁 #ハッスル黄門 #五浦観光ホテル #北茨城市 #大津漁協 #天心記念五浦美術館 #市場食堂 #横山大観 #温泉 #磯山さやか #茨城 #茨城県 #観光いばらき
#ibakiratv #ibaraki #ibarakiprefecture #japan #prefecture #アンコウ #いばキラ #いばキラtv #いばらき #ちい散歩 #どぶ汁 #ハッスル黄門 #五浦観光ホテル #北茨城市 #大津漁協 #天心記念五浦美術館 #市場食堂 #横山大観 #温泉 #磯山さやか #茨城 #茨城県 #観光いばらき
#CurrentlySpinning: #Ibaraki - #Rashomon from #NESIMedia!
#Vinyl #Records #Metal #HeavyMetal #Music
#CurrentlyDrinking: #CrownRoyal #SaltedCaramel #Whiskey #Whisky
Both are amazing!
#Music #heavymetal #Metal #whisky #whiskey #SaltedCaramel #crownroyal #currentlydrinking #records #vinyl #nesimedia #Rashomon #ibaraki #currentlyspinning
As it turns out, I shouldn’t have combined drinking with browsing #NESIMedia and accidentally purchased #Ibaraki’s #Rashomon for more than I would have. I do not regret my purchase, however, after listening to #CattleDecapitation’s #DeathAtlas from them.
#records #vinyl #heavymetal #deathatlas #cattledecapitation #Rashomon #ibaraki #nesimedia
🇯🇵 An #earthquake (#地震) happened in #Ibaraki, #Honshu, #Japan 12mins ago at 9:41AM on 07/02/2023 UTC. The earthquake had a magnitude of M3.9 and it was 110km (68.3 miles) deep in the ground. Stay safe! #sismo #quake
Site Used: https://cutt.ly/n3uKv2c
Information from EMSC.
#quake #sismo #Japan #honshu #ibaraki #地震 #earthquake
Fukuroda waterfalls at Daigo town, Ibaraki. I've been here several times, but it is the first time I have the chance to see the waterfall and river frozen :) a very nice and refreshing short trip :)
#ibaraki #fukurodafalls
With 2022 coming to a close, here are my favorite #albums of the year.
1. #CultOfLuna - The Long Road North
2. #Elder - Inner Passage
3. #PorcupineTree - Closure/Continuation
4. #Ibaraki - Rashomon
5. #MachineHead - Of Kingdom & Crown
6. #RussianCircles - Gnosis
7. #Muse - Will of the People
8. #Slipknot - The End, So Far
9. #Meshuggah - Immutable
10. #LornaShore - Pain Remains
#albums #cultofluna #elder #porcupinetree #ibaraki #machinehead #RussianCircles #muse #slipknot #meshuggah #LornaShore #metal #metalhead #rock #top10
#nowplaying️ Album "Rashomon" von #ibaraki #metalcore aus den USA
#metalheads #MetalGegenDoofes #metalcore #ibaraki #nowplaying