Totally agree. Way more to this than meets the eye, there was rumblings about other women coming forward right at the beginning of all this. There’s just something about this guy that doesn’t gel with me so I have to say #IBelieveHer
Wie schnell bei Missbrauch und Missbrauchsvorwürfen doch der (mutmaßliche) Täter verteidigt und das (mutmaßliche) Opfer beleidigt und attackiert wird.....
#ibelieveher #rammstein #ekel #missbrauch #wut #Entsetzen
Watching E Jean Carroll be subjected to abusive interrogation seems like a good time to re-up this:
“If People Talked About Stolen Wallets The Way People Talk About Rape”
We don't treat victims of other crimes the way we treat rape victims. What's the difference? #RapeCulture
#MeToo #IBelieveHer #SmashPatriarchy
#MeToo #IBelieveHer
#rapeculture #MeToo #ibelieveher #smashpatriarchy
I have a brother who does this - rewrites history (involving women in his life) to make himself look as though he did stuff we did instead.
We don't have contact anymore because I got sick of being written out of important events for the sake of his ego.
Makes my blood boil.
THE case of a UK teenager facing jail after she was convicted of fabricating a rape claim in Cyprus has triggered a furious reaction on social media, with #ibelieveher becoming one of the UK’s biggest-trending hashtags just minutes after the verdict was announced.
"But I have to try, and we have to try, to create a space where everyone can feel they can trust the legal system. We have to try."
But no. Instead, he got ANGRY, and the country mistook it for honesty. He lied about his yearbook entries. He used his anger to cover his lies. And he bragged when he wanted to sidestep a question.
Admitting the truth: that you were a teenaged asshole, was apparently too hard. When we all know that's true anyway. So #Ibelieveher.
This has been such an emotionally draining day for survivors of any kind of abuse. If you've been following the Kavanaugh Confirmation Hearings and you are a survivor of abuse, harassment or assault, you owe it to yourself to take care of yourself, to find people who care for your well-being and safety, and who love you just the way you are.
You can download an app like 7 Cups of Tea, or call 800.656.HOPE (4673). If you feel suicidal, please call 911.
I need not ONE more iota of time after seeing Dr. Ford testify to come to a conclusion. Kavanaugh is a pig in the elitist circle.
Hope he is disgusted every time he looks deep in the mirror, knowing what he did and how he's lying about it all now. He's no kinda man.
#TimesUp ⏳
#karmaisreal #timesup #metoo #truthwins #ibelievevictims #ibelieveher