RT @SJGrunewald@twitter.com
Sometimes Twitter is amazing.
#himtoo #ibelievesurvivors #metoo
Did you see the looks on the faces of the women sitting behind #Kavanaugh during yesterday’s hearing? I am sure such was the look on my face in response to his entitlement and belligerence. By showing his partisanship, he disqualified himself from the #SCOTUS, a sacred, nonpartisan, democratic institution. And, the look on his face is the rage of #WhitePrivilege and #MalePrivilege when such men are held accountable. #IBelieveSurvivors
#kavanaugh #scotus #whiteprivilege #maleprivilege #ibelievesurvivors
You know what? Today, at least -- after that last one -- I'm done RT'ing men. The only voices I want on the internet today are women. #IBelieveChristineBlaseyFord #IBelieveSurvivors #IBelieveWomen
#ibelievechristineblaseyford #ibelievesurvivors #ibelievewomen