#ReligiousTrauma #gothard #iblp #exfundy #exchristian This is a far more accurate representation of #patriarchy #nonsense
#nonsense #patriarchy #exchristian #exfundy #iblp #gothard #ReligiousTrauma
David French on Bill Gothard's Institute for Basic Life Principles, central to the Duggar family story now on display in "Shiny Happy People":
"Gothard’s teaching didn’t reach just the millions of Christians he claims have attended his seminars."
#Duggars #BillGothard #IBLP #evangelicals #authoritarianism #patriarchy #misogyny
#duggars #billgothard #iblp #evangelicals #authoritarianism #patriarchy #misogyny
Recent chat with Seth Andrews (The Thinking Atheist) about the #iblp #cult, and #Duggar finally expose #shinyhappypeople My interview is the third and last. https://www.spreaker.com/episode/54165226
#shinyhappypeople #duggar #cult #iblp
So, in context of having seen the #ShinyHappyPeople docuseries about Christian Nationalist group #IBLP, connecting that to Montana banning TikTok (a source of a lot of recovery communities and criticism of toxic Christianity, and the seed for that documentary), and Elon’s destruction of Twitter, then I’m looking over at happening to Reddit, which presently hosts the largest exmormon community online, (275,000 members, 1100 online right now), and these dots are starting to form a picture.
I’m not sure the Reddit thing is about money or IPO. It seems like part of a coordinated effort across the Internet to shut down anti-authoritarian movements.
Is anybody else talking about this?
#shinyhappypeople #iblp #exmo #exmormon #exvangelical #antifa #antiauthoritarian
Have you seen the #shinyhappypeople docuseries exposing the #Duggars & the #IBLP #Gothard #cult? It is important because it exposes #conservative #evangelical #christianity in the #USA and how long plans have been in motion to basically take over all levels of government - but especially the #scotus . Here’s my B4 & after fundie, Gothardesque pic. #iGotOut
#iGotOut #scotus #USA #christianity #evangelical #conservative #cult #gothard #iblp #duggars #shinyhappypeople
The #ShinyHappyPeople docuseries on Prime is a really good primer on #ChristianNationalism in general, which spans beyond Bill Gothard. I highly recommend it if you can stomach the content. It really helps make clear the scope of this thing that’s happening to America right now. It makes all this *motions around* make so much more sense. And makes it a lot more terrifying.
#shinyhappypeople #christiannationalism #christofascism #iblp #exmo #exmormon #exvangelical
At the end of the docuseries, there’s a montage of all the ex- #IBLP TikTokers and that hit me really hard. Given that there’s a similar thriving TikTok community for #exmormons, and I was a part of it for a few months in 2021 making videos. Emotions.
There were also thriving #exvangelical and deconstructing Christianity communities there with a lot of cross pollination.
(And now I know EXACTLY why Montana is trying to ban Tiktok.)
#iblp #exmormons #exvangelical #shinyhappypeople #exmo #exmormon
Listening to a podcast about #ShinyHappyPeople by #IBLP survivors. I was raised IBLP adjacent, and was taught/trained in a lot of the same ways. This comment by Chad Harris (Arch Raddish) brought me to tears:
“Ultimately… we never truly broke. Those of us who got out, …those of us who became our authentic selves, they didn’t beat it out of us. …And we’re here to tell the story….”
The beneficiaries of this system are those higher on the hierarchical ladder who have examined these ideals and do not believe the rules apply to them. They believe they are special. For them, easy pleasure and even pleasure at the expense of others is morally acceptable, even desirable. They need to prevent those they control from having access to pleasure and relief from trauma symptoms as a means of control. And they are in positions to influence culture. This is what drives #AbuseCulture. #IBLP #ShinyHappyPeople
#abuseculture #iblp #shinyhappypeople
HBO didn't include this info in the docuseries, but it's fact. Jim and Bobye Holt spoke in the series about what they knew about the Duggars (info they kept quiet until Josh Duggar's trial on child porn offenses) yet did not reveal what was going on in their own #IBLP home, re: domestic abuse -- ‘Shiny Happy People: #Duggar Family Secrets’: Arkansas Judge Grants Bobye Holt and Son an Order of Protection Against Jim Holt Following Docuseries Involvement
Just watched the documentary on the #DuggarFamily, Gothard, the #IBLP, and it's awful. But they slipped in the Joshua Generation #GenJ and all that "taking back our country" stuff. They presented Madison Cawthorn as the first example but there appear to be many more to come.
“Critical thinking is turned on itself. If preoccupied with self examination, you don’t have energy to question the system”
I wasn’t in the #IBLP but a more “liberal” group #Intervarsity in college. Different outer appearance, same inner dialogue.
#iblp #intervarsity #shinyhappypeople
Heads up if you are watching the new Duggar Family/IBLP Amazon documentary “Shiny Happy People”:
In episode 4 at the 4 minute mark, they discuss what was in the CSA files on Josh Duggar’s computer. Skip to 4:20 to avoid.
Thanks to @moe.makes.magick on TikTok for the content warning
#ShinyHappyPeople #Duggars #DuggarFamily #JoshDuggar #IBLP #ATI #Fundie #FundieSnark #BillGothard #19KidsAndCounting
#shinyhappypeople #duggars #duggarfamily #joshduggar #iblp #ati #fundie #fundiesnark #billgothard #19kidsandcounting
Live for Everyone! We read #BecomingFreeIndeed so y'all can get the TL;DR #billgothard #iblp #shinyhappypeople https://www.patreon.com/posts/s5e12-youre-not-83523380
#becomingfreeindeed #billgothard #iblp #shinyhappypeople
Do the Duggars and Other Reality TV Families Help the Far-Right Movement?
A new Prime Video documentary looks into the scandal-prone Duggars and explores the repercussions of mainstreaming right-wing fundamentalist teachings.
#Featured #Television #BillGothard #documentary #DuggarFamily #FundamentalistChristianity #IBLP #MAGA #opinion #PrimeVideo #RealityTv #TLC
#featured #television #billgothard #documentary #duggarfamily #fundamentalistchristianity #iblp #maga #opinion #primevideo #realitytv #tlc
@Melody Note: #RealityTV star #JingerDuggar left the cultish #fundamentalist #IBLP and ended up enmeshed in #JohnMacArthur's #GraceCommunityChurch. That poor woman can't catch a break... But now the memoir she's selling, ghostwritten by the sect's communications office, is trumpeting that MacArthur's #cult is something freeing and positive for women. God help us! But help HER first, cos she is not in a good place, is continuing harm, and doesn't see it.
#RealityTV #jingerduggar #Fundamentalist #iblp #johnmacarthur #gracecommunitychurch #Cult #patriarchy #christianity #tlc #duggar
I've been watching #TheVow (docuseries about the #NXIVM cult), and it's been difficult at times because of the familiarity of so much of it as someone from an evangelical background.
I mean the "curriculum" has #BillGothard and #IBLP written all over it so to speak.
Anyway, the familiarity doesn't surprise me, but it's weird watching and going "that's classic cult behavior" and then thinking up half a dozen similarities with communities I've been exposed to. #CultDeprogramming #ReligiousTrauma
#TheVow #nxivm #billgothard #iblp #cultdeprogramming #religioustrauma