Some that wouldn't fit:
#AtariLynx Slime World
#Dreamcast Phantasy Star Online
#3DS Animal Crossing New Leaf
#PS4 Ni No Kuni
#Xbox360 Rock Band 4
#XboxOne Destiny 2
#PS5 Horizon Forbidden West
#Apple IIe The Bards Tale
#IBMClone Darklands
#Amiga Populous II
#LaterPC Civilization II
#PC Borderlands
#MMRPG Auto Assault
If there's a system, I missed let me know. I think I got all the ones I owned.
#shareyourgames #atarilynx #dreamcast #3ds #ps4 #xbox360 #XboXOne #ps5 #apple #ibmclone #amiga #laterpc #pc #mmrpg
Unforgettable #shareyourgames by platform and OS
#Atari2600 - Combat, Indiana Jones
#Colecovision - The Smurfs
#Vectrex - Pole Position
#TI994a - Parsec
#Commodore64 / 128 - Bounces, Bruce Lee, Friday the 13th, Superbowl Sunday, MicroLeague Baseball, MULE
#IBMClone / #DOS - One-Nil, Front Page Football
#Nintendo - Super Tecmo Bowl
#Xbox - NBA2k
#Windows - Minecraft
#windows #xbox #nintendo #dos #ibmclone #commodore64 #ti994a #vectrex #colecovision #atari2600 #shareyourgames