Ferdinand F. Zebua · @ferdifz
16 followers · 207 posts · Server mstdn.id

Quoting Alan Cox [@etchedpixels] at Twitter:

>> Mike McGrath for Red Hat: “We will always send our code upstream and abide by the open source licenses our products use, which includes the GPL.”
> redhat.com/en/blog/red-hats-co


>> Magnus Glantz of Red Hat: “I guess some people just still have not understood that free software (which open source originally was called), refers to free as in freedom, not free as in free beer, free labor or free money.”
> linkedin.com/pulse/problem-roc

It's all puff pieces about fear and freeloading that are old Microsoft grade.

And it speaks to the point. IBMHat thinks it “sells Red Hat Linux”, no it sells support and services. The code isn't really theirs to sell.

(Not when it's “100% Open Source”. ~ed.)


🐦: twitter.com/EtchedPixels/statu / nitter.net/EtchedPixels/status


#redhat #rockylinux #ibmhat #fossdrama #distrodrama #linuxdrama #sourcecodegatekeeping

Last updated 1 year ago